20 Questions to Ask Your Child’s New Teacher

Starting a new school year can be a hectic time for both parents and children. To establish an excellent connection and open up communication lines, it is essential to get to know your child’s new teacher. Building a positive relationship between parents and teachers will add immense value to your child’s learning experience. Here are 20 questions you can ask your child’s new teacher to kick off the school year on the right foot.

1. How long have you been teaching, and how much experience do you have in this specific grade level?
2. What is your educational background and teacher training?
3. Can you tell me about your teaching philosophy or style?
4. How do you differentiate instruction for students with varying abilities and learning styles?
5. How often should I expect updates on my child’s progress, and what communication method do you prefer (e.g., email, phone calls, conferences)?
6. What are the main academic goals for this school year, and how will these goals be measured?
7. Are there specific homework policies in place? If so, what are they?
8. How do you approach classroom management, and what are the consequences for behavioral problems?
9. What opportunities are there for parent involvement (e.g., volunteering in the classroom)?
10. Are there additional resources available if my child needs extra support (e.g., tutoring or counseling services)?
11. How will social-emotional learning be incorporated into the lessons?
12. Do you implement project-based learning or group work within your curriculum?
13. How does technology play a role in your classroom, and what can I expect regarding my child’s use of digital tools at school?
14. What do you recommend regarding home support for my child’s learning (e.g., reading materials, websites)?
15. Are there opportunities for students to explore extracurricular activities, like clubs or sports teams? If so, when can my child sign up?
16. How do you handle students who fall behind or need additional help and support in the classroom?
17. What are some of the critical milestones in this grade level that will be monitored throughout the year?
18. How can I best support you as a parent and partner in my child’s education?
19. What are your expectations for attendance and punctuality at school?
20. Is there anything else I should know about you, the classroom environment, or the school policies to help ensure my child’s success?

When attending meetings with your child’s teacher, it’s essential to ask these questions, as they provide insights into the teacher’s approach and how your child will be supported throughout the academic year. By establishing a strong foundation with open communication lines, you’ll create an environment where your child can thrive—both academically and socially.