2023 Best Online Doctorate in Educational Technology

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Deciding which college to attend can be a daunting task. For many, it will be the most important decision that they make in their lives. To make an informed decision, you have to consider a lot of variables, such as cost of attendance, financial aid, student/teacher ratio, academics, student life, and more. These factors will either positively or negatively impact the quality of education that you receive.

Do you want to acquire an online doctorate degree in educational technology, but don’t know what institution you should attend? Well, if you are as ambitious as I was in my late teens, then you want to attend a top school, instead of an average or mediocre one. Fortunately, we have already done the legwork for you. To help you find the right school for your interests and goals, we’ve compiled a list of 2022’s best online doctorate in educational technology programs.

What institution did we forget? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

  1. University of Florida Distance Learning, Gainesville, FL

UF has an online EdD in coursework and instruction that features a concentration in educational technology that stresses integrating various tools and applications into elementary, secondary, postsecondary, and corporate learning environments. Most classes are delivered online, though learners must attend two summer sessions on campus. This online doctorate program in educational technology contains classes on concepts such as research in coursework and instruction, instructional design, educational statistics, and a practicum in digital media. Learners conclude their studies by completing a dissertation. All online learners pay the same tuition rate, regardless of residency.

Candidates should have a master’s degree from a sanctioned institution and submit a statement of purpose, a writing sample, at least two letters of recommendation, and GRE scores to be considered.

  1. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

MSU has a blended PhD in educational psychology and educational technology degree program that offers the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to utilize technology to transform K-12, institutions and virtual learning environments. The five-year mostly online classwork includes a two-week, on-campus summer session. This PhD in educational technology online degree program contains classwork on research design, data analysis, and the creation of technology-rich learning. Learners can work alongside experienced faculty on research projects, which normally focus on professional development and teacher education. Before graduating, all learners must design and successfully defend a dissertation, a process that comprises the entirety of the fifth year.

Candidates should have at least a bachelor’s degree from a sanctioned institution and substantial academic and professional achievements to be considered.

  1. University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

The University of South Carolina has a doctor of education in coursework and instruction with an educational technology path. This 36-month degree program is intended to prepare learners to become the next generation of K-12 and postsecondary school leaders. Most of the coursework can be finished online, but learners must visit the Columbia campus for a brief orientation at the beginning of the degree program.

This 60-credit online doctorate degree program in educational technology covers concepts such as diversity in the coursework, applications of learning principles, instructional design, educational technology research, and technology resource management. The final 12 credits center on planning a dissertation. All online learners pay the same tuition rate, regardless of residency. Candidates should have earned a master’s degree in a related field from a regionally sanctioned institution to be considered.

  1. University of Memphis – UM Online, Memphis, TN

Memphis has an online EdD in instructional design and technology degree program that readies learners for successful careers as professors, corporate trainers, human resource professionals, researchers, and school administrators. This degree stresses research and analysis of real-life applications of various technologies in the learning environment. This 54-credit online EdD degree program in educational technology features a cohort learning model, with learners taking most classes with the same peers. Each learner must finish a research project and dissertation, which will be presented to a faculty committee at the end of the degree program.

Candidates should have a master’s degree from a sanctioned institution and submit an individual statement, letters of recommendation, and a resume to be considered.

  1. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

Oklahoma State has a PhD in education with a concentration in educational technology. This 60-credit degree program comprises online classes and some on-campus classes, finished at OSU’s Stillwater or Tulsa campus. The PhD in educational technology online degree program contains classwork on advanced computer applications, digital media production, facilitation of online learning, instructional development, and library networks. Learners must research, design, and present a dissertation at the end of the degree program. Available learner resources and supports consist of IT assistance, a digital library, and financial aid.

Candidates should have a master’s degree earned with a minimum GPA of 3.5 to be considered. They must also submit evidence of their writing abilities, GRE or GMAT scores, three letters of recommendation, a resume, and a statement of purpose. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

  1. Indiana University – Bloomington, Bloomington, IN

Indiana has one of the most outstanding online EdD programs in educational technology in the US. This 60-credit degree program takes a real-life approach to education, preparing learners to develop instructional materials applicable to various settings. This degree program is perfect for people who want to become applied researchers, and it includes classes on concepts such as doctoral readings, intermediate statistics, qualitative inquiry in education, adult learning, and learning and cognition.

The last nine credits of the coursework include a dissertation, which each learner presents to a committee before graduating. Candidates should have a master’s degree earned from a sanctioned postsecondary institution and submit GRE scores, two letters of recommendation, and an individual statement to be considered.

  1. Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

Duquesne has a 57-credit online doctoral degree program in instructional technology and leadership that teaches learners to utilize technology to design positive alter in various educational settings. This online doctoral degree program in educational technology includes classes on concepts such as instructional technology, digital media, electronic literacy, and classroom design. Classes are delivered online via Blackboard Monday and Thursday evenings each week. This schedule is perfect for working adults who usually are not available during the day. While most classwork is delivered online, learners must attend a two-week residency on campus to begin the degree program.

  1. University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL

The University of West Florida is rated among the best online doctorate in educational technology degree programs. UWF has an online EdD in instructional design and technology that stresses project management, critical thinking, communication, and ethics. This degree program is perfect for people who want to utilize technology to drive innovation, alter, and productivity in education. This online EdD degree program in educational technology has two concentrations: online and performance technology. The online learning path stresses online learning methods in K-12, postsecondary, and business settings. The performance technology concentration centers on using technology to improve the performance of individuals and organizations. All learners must finish a research project and dissertation, which take up the final 18 credits of the degree program.

  1. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

ODU Online has a PhD in education with a concentration in instructional design and technology. This adaptable 60-credit degree program enables learners to investigate broad concepts, including technology-mediated instruction, human performance technology, research, distance education, and instructional message design. Although classes take place at scheduled times, learners can also access digital content at their convenience. The coursework contains core classes on instructional systems design, cognition and instruction, and multimedia design. The final 15 credits consist of each learner’s dissertation.

Candidates should have a master’s degree from a sanctioned institution and submit a writing sample, an individual essay, a resume, three letters of recommendation, and GRE scores to be considered.

  1. Concordia University – Chicago, River Forest, IL

Concordia University – Chicago is rated among the best online doctorate in educational technology degree programs. The university has a doctoral degree in leadership with a concentration in educational technology. This degree program stresses learning in the digital age while preparing the next generation of K-12 institutions. This online EdD degree program in educational technology consists of 61 to 67 credits of classes on concepts such as data management, learning environment design, technology department management, school district improvement, and coursework development. Learners may also select from electives that accentuate learning in K-12, higher education, or corporate environments.

Candidates should have a master’s degree in a related discipline from a regionally sanctioned institution, along with a 3.0 GPA or better.  Concordia University—Chicago is regionally sanctioned by the Higher Learning Commission.

  1. Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA

Regent has a PhD in education with a concentration in educational technology and online learning. In this degree program, learners carry out their research, utilize research and analytical methods to address problems, and seek publication in journals. This PhD in educational technology feature online classes on advanced leadership practice, strategic planning and evaluation, instructional design, research design and analysis, and educational statistics. The final year of the degree program focuses mainly on a dissertation, which learners must present to a committee before graduation.

Candidates should have a bachelor’s and master’s degrees earned from regionally sanctioned institutions. They must also submit GRE scores, a current resume, and a peer-reviewed scholarly paper along with the completion of an admissions questionnaire.

  1. Boise State University, Boise, ID

Boise State has a doctor of educational technology degree that teaches learners how to incorporate emerging technologies into K-12 and institution settings. The degree program covers various concepts, including academic technology leadership, software development, mobile applications, and digital games and activities. Learners enroll in classes focused on instructional design, website creation, research, statistics, and contemporary concepts of learning and technology. Before graduating, all learners must finish a thesis and final portfolio that they present to a faculty committee. Learners can seek limited funding, including full- and part-time assistantships.

Candidates must hold a master’s degree from a sanctioned institution and must submit a scholarly paper, three professional references, and official GRE scores to be considered. Boise State is regionally sanctioned by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

  1. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, IL

The Chicago School has an online EdD in educational psychology and technology degree that immerses learners in the cutting-edge technologies and advancements that influence teaching and learning across several contexts. This degree covers a wide variety of concepts, including interactions among computers and cognition, technology in the learning environment, and logical and ethical issues in educational technology. Although most classes are delivered online, learners must attend two residency sessions at the school’s campus in downtown Chicago. These residencies consist of the study of special concepts, exams, and cooperative research projects.

Candidates to this online EdD degree program in educational technology should have a master’s degree and submit an individual essay and resume to be considered.