21 Strategies to Help Students Learn to Copy Content

Are you looking for strategies to help students learn to copy content? If so, keep reading.

1. Let the learner have periods of rest to avoid eye fatigue.

2. Assess the appropriateness of giving the learner tasks that require copying at a close proximity if the learner’s capacity and ability make it impossible to finish the tasks.

3. Designate shorten tasks that can be quickly and accurately copied. As the learner shows success, slowly increase the length of tasks.

4. Support the learner with copying information. As the learner shows success, slowly decrease the assistance, and require the learner to assume more responsibility.

5. Show the learner what they are doing wrong (e.g., hurrying just to get things done), and what they must be doing (e.g., carefully finishing work). For example: The learner is hurrying through copying tasks. Tell them that they are hurrying and need to slow down and carefully copy the content to finish the tasks correctly.

6. Get the learner to copy small amounts of content (e.g., a sentence or line) at a time.

7. Modify the format of the learning materials from which the learner copies (e.g., have less content on a page, remove or cover images on pages, enlarge the print, etc.).

8. Inspect what the learner has copied from the smartboard, textbook, etc., for accuracy. Working quickly is acceptable if the learner performs the task accurately.

9. Assess the appropriateness of the task to ascertain (a) if the task is too easy, (b) if the task is too complicated, and (c) if the duration of time scheduled to finish the task is sufficient.

10. Take into account the learner’s capacity and ability level and experience before expecting them to finish copying tasks on their own.

11. Urge the learner to monitor their neatness. Awareness should lessen the production of poor quality work.

12. Urge the learner to create a 30-second definition of their goal to help them remain on-task and focus (e.g., “I will copy this sentence perfectly. The better I focus and remain on-task, the better I will perform.”).

13. Make sure that the learner has only those learning materials appropriate for copying (e.g., pencil, pen, paper, etc.) on their desk.

14. Create a timeline for finishing a project. Expect the learner to meet each deadline to finish the project on time.

15. Create rules for finishing tasks (e.g., have the learner to ask for help when necessary, proofread content copied from the board, textbook, etc.). These rules should be consistent and followed by everyone in the classroom. Talk about the rules often.

16. Assess the level of task difficulty to ascertain whether the learner will require additional time, assistance, etc., to copy written information.

17. Assess the visual and auditory stimuli in the classroom and remove or lessen the unnecessary environmental stimuli.

18. Provide recognition for quality work (e.g., display the learner’s work, congratulate the learner, etc.).

19. Use in an assortment of ways for the learner to acquire information without copying it (e.g., teacher-made content, commercially produced content, photocopy of the content, etc.).

20. Provide the learner a short break while they are working on monotonous tasks to relieve restlessness and improve concentration.

21. Consider using one of the apps on one of our best writing apps lists:

The Tech Edvocate’s List of 31 Grammar & Writing Apps, Tools & Resources

Ten Apps to Help Students Develop Writing Skills

10 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for Elementary School Students

11 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for High School Students

10 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for Middle School Students