24 Ways to Help Students Learn Word Comprehension Skills

Are you looking for ways to help students learn word comprehension skills? If so, keep reading.

1. Get the learner to dictate stories that are put in print for them to read, placing emphasis on comprehension skills.

2. Compose paragraphs and short stories requiring skills the learner is presently developing. The paragraphs that you use should be of interest to the learner using their name, family members, friends, pets, and exciting experiences.

3. Prior to reading, tell the learner what they are to find in the story (e.g., who are the main characters, what are the main activities, etc.).

4. Do not require the learner to learn more information than they are capable of learning at any time.

5. Make sure that the learner’s knowledge of a particular skill is being assessed rather than the learner’s capacity and ability to read instructions. Reading instructions to the learner can enable success.

6. Utilize a lower grade-level text as alternative reading content in subject areas.

7. Minimize distracting stimuli in their surroundings to enable the learner’s capacity and ability to concentrate on what they are reading (e.g., place the learner on the front row, Give a table or “office” space away from distractions). This should be used as a way to lessen distractions, not as a punishment.

8. Outline reading content for the learner using words and phrases on their reading level.

9. Present new words and their meanings to the learner before they read new content.

10. Provide the learner time to read a selection more than once. Place emphasis on comprehension rather than speed.

11. Compose notes and letters to the learner to give reading content that they will want to read for comprehension. Learners should be urged to pen notes at the same time each week.

12. Get the learner to outline, underline, or highlight essential vocabulary in reading content.

13. Make sure the learner underlines or circles words not grasped. These words will become the learner’s vocabulary task for the week.

14. Utilize the current vocabulary words being studied by the learner in the daily classroom conversation.

15. Teach the learner to use context clues to find words not grasped.

16. Utilize a sight-word vocabulary approach to teach the learner keywords (e.g., circle, underline, match, etc.) and phrases when reading directions and instructions.

17. Get the learner to match vocabulary words with images representing the words.

18. Get the learner to review vocabulary words by providing related clues. The learner then identifies the vocabulary word.

19. Utilize reading sequence content with high interest (e.g., adventure, romance, mystery, sports, etc.) and low vocabulary.

20. Get the learner to find words they do not comprehend. Get them to find the definitions of these words in the dictionary.

21. Make the learner use new vocabulary words in follow-up tasks (e.g., have the learner use these words on written tasks, crossword puzzles, etc.).

22. Consider using AI to teach reading comprehension.

23. Consider using Alexa to teach reading skills.

24. Try using one of our many apps designed to teach literacy skills and help students with reading issues:

10 Apps That Teach Your Child to Read

7 Must-Have Apps to Make Students Love Reading

7 Must-Have Phonics Apps and Tools

9 Reading Apps and Tools for the Elementary Classroom

The Tech Edvocate’s List of 24 Literacy Apps, Tools & Resources

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