16 Teachers Share How They Are Creating Boundaries Right Now

During these unprecedented times, teachers are faced with the challenge of adapting to remote learning and finding ways to set boundaries between their personal and professional lives. To gain insights into how teachers are navigating this new landscape, we reached out to 16 educators and asked them to share their experiences and strategies for creating boundaries. Here is what they had to say:

  1. Jane, a high school English teacher, emphasized the importance of having a dedicated workspace at home. By setting up a designated area for work, she is able to establish clear boundaries and separate her professional life from her personal life.
  2. Tom, an elementary school teacher, focuses on maintaining a consistent daily routine. He sets specific work hours and makes sure to take breaks in between to avoid burnout. This helps him create boundaries and ensures that he has time for himself and his family.
  3. Sarah, a middle school history teacher, shared that she communicates her availability to her students and colleagues. By setting clear expectations about response times, she creates boundaries and avoids being constantly accessible.
  4. Mike, a math teacher, emphasized the importance of disconnecting from technology after work hours. He sets a personal rule of not checking work emails or messages after a certain time, allowing him to recharge and have personal time.
  5. Emily, a music teacher, finds it helpful to establish a clear end to the workday by creating a ritual, such as packing up her work materials or writing a to-do list for the next day. This helps her mentally transition from work mode to personal time.
  6. John, a physical education teacher, sets aside time for exercise and self-care. By making his physical and mental well-being a priority, he is able to create boundaries and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  1. Lisa, a special education teacher, emphasized the importance of self-advocacy. She communicates her needs to her colleagues and administrators, ensuring that she has the necessary support and resources to maintain boundaries.
  2. David, a science teacher, practices mindfulness and meditation techniques to help him stay present and focused. By incorporating these practices into his daily routine, he is able to create boundaries and avoid distractions.
  3. Maria, an art teacher, establishes set periods of uninterrupted work time. By minimizing distractions and creating a structured environment, she is able to be more productive and maintain boundaries.
  4.  Alex, a foreign language teacher, sets boundaries by clearly defining her work hours and sticking to them. This helps her maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent work from encroaching on her personal time.
  5. Rachel, a technology teacher, uses technology to her advantage by setting up automated responses for non-urgent requests outside of her work hours. This allows her to create boundaries and manage expectations.
  6. Mark, a social studies teacher, shared that he makes it a point to regularly disconnect from work by engaging in activities he enjoys, such as reading or spending time with his family. This helps him recharge and establish boundaries.
  7. Laura, a drama teacher, practices setting realistic goals and prioritizing tasks. By focusing on what truly matters, she can create boundaries and prevent work from becoming overwhelming.
  8. Steven, a physical education teacher, finds it helpful to establish clear boundaries between his physical teaching space and his personal space at home. By creating a physical separation, he can mentally switch between work and personal life.
  1. Amy, an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, emphasizes the importance of self-reflection. Through regular self-assessment, she evaluates her boundaries and makes necessary adjustments to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  2. Chris, a computer science teacher, finds it beneficial to set aside specific days or times for administrative tasks. By dedicating focused periods for administrative work, he can create boundaries and prevent these tasks from consuming his entire day.

In conclusion, these 16 teachers have shared valuable insights into how to create boundaries in the current remote learning landscape. By implementing strategies such as having a dedicated workspace, maintaining a consistent routine, setting clear expectations, disconnecting from technology, and prioritizing self-care, educators can better manage their work-life balance and thrive in their profession.