A Brief Overview of Constructive Play

Constructive play, otherwise known as construction play, is about structuring, shaping, and altering things to formulate something different. It is one of the most important and exquisite learning opportunities for youngsters of all ages.

What then is constructive play in the early years?

Constructive play describes when children use material to develop or build something to achieve a goal. Jean Piaget, child development and learning expert, formalized the idea. Piaget believed that children learn by exploring the interaction between their ideas and the real world; thus, trying out those ideas is essential to the learning process.

Why is constructive play so significant?

Constructive play is essential because of its vast learning opportunities. For example, children can explore counting, symmetry, sizes, cause and effect, gravity,  explore materials with interest and inquiry, and other exciting adventures.

Children will choose constructive play more than half the time if given various free play choices. So, why discourage it? Here are some tips on how to foster constructive play.

1. Getting the right resources

Provide your children with a wide range of resources that encourage open-mindedness and creativity. Yes, Legos and train tracks are good choices, but you should include other fun items like sand and tools, wooden building blocks, sticks and stones, cogs, wheels, etc.

2. Valuable by itself

Historically,  people viewed constructive play as a bridge towards fantasy play, but that’s not correct. It is valuable on its own, irrespective of the child’s age or developmental stage. It comes very naturally to children since it lets children just be children.

3. Get down and play

Are you striving to get your children interested in constructive play? You should never force children into something they’re not ready to do. Indulge their interest and attention by modeling constructive play yourself. Let them watch you play, and watch them join in the fun.

4. Try it, everyplace!

Constructive play is fundamental to a child’s improvement, so it shouldn’t be constrained to your home. Children need to explore the connection between their ideas and the real world in all kinds of environments.

5. Assist with language

Constructive play is an excellent tool for language development in the early years. This occurs through the meaningful interactions you can have with your children. Ask open-ended questions to support their language development.

6. Mix it up

You must mix up your constructive play area often. As children build worlds and expand their horizons, they might bring in things from other spaces. Find out what else you can put in!

7. Try risky constructive play methods

Risky play helps children to learn about risks while encountering some essential emotions. It is a good idea to begin to introduce risk to children in constructive play.

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