Animal Riddles for Kids

Animal riddles are a great way to engage kids in a fun and educational activity. They encourage children to think, use their imagination and learn about different kinds of animals. In this article, we’ve compiled some of the best animal riddles for kids.

1. What do you get when you cross a sheep and a kangaroo? A woolly jumper!

2. I am big and gray, with a trunk and tusks. What am I? An elephant!

3. I am a bird that can’t fly, but I can swim and dive. What am I? A penguin!

4. I have a shell, but I’m not a snail. I carry my house on my back. What am I? A turtle!

5. I’m a big cat with stripes, and I love to hunt. What am I? A tiger!

6. I’m a small insect that can walk on water. What am I? A water strider!

7. I have a long neck and can run very fast. What am I? A giraffe!

8. I’m a furry animal that likes to play with yarn. What am I? A kitten!

9. I’m a reptile that can change color to blend in with my surroundings. What am I? A chameleon!

10. I’m a bird that can mimic human speech. What am I? A parrot!