To Raise Smart Kids, Developing This Skill Early On Is Essential

Everyone wants to raise their children to be smart, successful individuals. But many parents, teachers, and school districts are struggling to emphasize what’s most important for the development of their children.  School districts tend to emphasize mastery on standardized tests that usually consist of recalling facts and regurgitating information. Parents, and sometimes teachers, tend to emphasize completed work and good grades more than anything else. But there is increasing research to show that the most important skill children need to develop- far more important than the ability to recall information or write cohesive stories or create colorful project posters- is …

Bloomz Introduces Robocalling, Allowing Schools to Deliver Audio Messages to Parents

The app continues to deliver on its promise to provide a single, comprehensive solution for school-home communication (Seattle, Wash.) June 11, 2020 — Today, the award-winning family communication and engagement app Bloomz announced the addition of Robocalling, a new feature allowing administrators to share audio recordings and text-to-speech messages with parents and students at the click of a button. The new capability, designed to be intuitive to those already familiar with the platform, allows premium users to quickly and easily record voice messages and queue them for immediate or scheduled delivery to fully customizable recipient groups. “Many district leaders have …

The Future of Education is in Several Languages

Approximately 66% of the world’s population is proficient in at least two languages (while only 17% of Americans are bilingual) and one-third of all corporations in the U.S. are either owned or based abroad. There are over 7,000 languages spoken in the world today, and English is only one of them. It is becoming increasingly necessary to know more than one language, and this change in our society must start in our education system. The benefits of multilingualism Multilingualism, which includes bilingualism, is the ability to speak more than one language. There are many benefits to being multilingual:     …

Should I Use Parental Involvement or Engagement?

Should I Use Parental Involvement or Engagement? I spent seven years as a K-12 teacher, and one of the biggest challenges that my colleagues and I faced was how to engage and involve parents in their children’s education. The biggest obstacle to this was not the parents themselves, but how we approached parental involvement and engagement. Because most of us never stopped to think about the difference between the two, we used them interchangeably, which means that we often used engagement when we should have used involvement and involvement when we should have used engagement. You may be thinking to …

Enriching Children’s Sensory Experiences and Creativity: Integration of Play and Art

Creating crafts and playing are activities that might just seem like fun pastimes for a child, but they actually play a huge factor in a child’s sensory experiences. This means that by encouraging these two playful activities, kids are actually able to enhance their senses along with their creativity. Therefore, as simple as play and art may be, they are an essential part of how a child’s creativity develops over time. Why Are Play and Art so Important? Allowing a child to play and create art is not only a way to enhance that child’s creative skills, but it can …

Using Whole Child Development to Grow Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (known as EI or EQ) is the ability to be aware of, control, and express one’s own emotions while also handling outward relationships with empathy and interpersonal communication skills. Emotional intelligence is not often emphasized in today’s schools. The focus is usually on remembering and regurgitating content knowledge, with regular examinations testing only these skills. In recent studies, however, emotional intelligence has been shown to be just as important to a child’s overall success and happiness than traditional academic intelligence. According to Forbes magazine, emotional intelligence is one of the strongest predictors of success in business. Emotional intelligence …

7 Ways to Measure Student Growth

I define student growth as academic progress that is accomplished over a period, as assessed at the onset and end of a specified time. It can be calculated for countries, states, cities, schools, or students, and many variables and strategies can be used to determine if “growth” has occurred. Sounds easy, right. Not exactly. Many school districts and even state departments of education have difficulty measuring student growth. If you fall into this category, don’t worry, we have your back. In this article, we will discuss seven ways to measure student growth. The Computer-Adaptive Approach This approach allows educators to …

4 Benefits of Taking Advanced Placement Courses

The Advanced Placement program is an initiative offered by the College Board, which gives students the chance to take university-level classes while in high school. Currently, there are 38 AP courses in seven subject areas, and each session is modeled on a similar college course. At the end of each AP course, students are required to take a standardized college-level assessment or AP Exam. Are you thinking of participating in the AP program but can’t seem to get off of the fence? Don’t worry; we will help you decide. Keep reading to learn about four benefits of taking Advanced Placement …

A Brief Guide to Aptitude Tests

An aptitude test is designed to evaluate what a student can do or to predict what a student can learn or do if they are given access to proper instruction. Aptitude tests are usually given to evaluate academic potential or career suitability. They are also used to assess either mental or physical talent in an assortment of domains. Some examples of aptitude tests include: A test assessing a person’s aptitude to become a fighter pilot A career test evaluating an individual’s capability to work as an air traffic controller An aptitude test that is given to high school students to …

Lights, Camera, Action! How to Integrate the Performing Arts into Your Early Childhood Classroom

Performing arts is a subject that kids tend to either love or hate. Many teachers and parents will allow kids to avoid performing and acting if they do not like it or if they have stage fright, but sometimes this does more harm than good. Performing arts is actually an important subject that all students should at least try out from time to time to help them improve their public speaking skills and confidence. Why Are Performing Arts Important? Kids can often be shy when it comes to standing in front of a crowd of people, which is why they …