Are you an educator looking for some tips on building relationships with families. Well, you have come to the right place. Here are some tips for building productive relationships with families.
Supporting the kid
We don’t work with kids in isolation. We are a part of the kid’s world, including their home, extended family, neighborhood, and the larger community. Consistency is essential for developing trust and for optimal brain development and learning. When adults communicate and cooperate, the kid feels more secure and is free to explore and learn. Knowing the family helps us know the kid.
Knowing us allows the family knows that we care about their kid. When we partner with families, we can build a stronger foundation for kids than either home or school could provide alone.
Enhancing communication
When we have a good relationship with families, we are likely to communicate when concerns arise. I’m more likely to ask you about my kid’s lost hair bow if I know you. Without that relationship, I would not mention it to you, but I will surely tell everyone about your lack of attention to my kid. It is easier to address concerns about the kid if we have a good rapport with the family.
Enriching the program
Families who have an established relationship with educators tend to participate in and support the program. They attend meetings and conferences, pitch on spring cleaning day, and suggest a good field trip site or fundraising idea. Families can bring knowledge that enhances the curriculum. Good relationships are good marketing. When I feel a connection to my kid’s program, I will have positive feelings about the program. I will tell my family, friends, and associates about the program.
How to Support Kids’ Learning
Have you ever mull over how essential your job is? You spend lots of hours and days with your kids. You are a major influence in their lives.
You can help the kids learn and love to learn by providing an enriched, stimulating environment in which kids can move.
Extending their learning opportunity. Here’s an example. The kids are talking about cats. You show them an image of a cat and then read a book about a cat. Then you arrange for a cat to visit your group of kids.
Building a positive relationship. Show that you can be trusted. Plan some 1-to-1 time with each kid; just 3 minutes a day will make a difference.
Setting up a warm, welcoming, relaxed space to give each kid a feeling of security.
Being a good model. Remember, kids will follow your example. If you want them to talk softly, you speak softly.
Allowing opportunities for each kid to be successful.
Respecting and accepting each kid for the unique individual they or they are.
Talking with kids, not at them. Talk about putting on shoes, walking in the snow, the 1st robin, or the new baby. Remember that a conversation requires everyone to participate.
Helping them develop self-control. Foster a warm, trusting relationship will help the kid practice self-control.
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