11 Things I Forgot As a Teacher Over Winter Break

1. My Daily Routine: The structured schedule that I had grown accustomed to throughout the fall seemed like a distant memory. With days filled with holiday cheer and relaxation, it was easy to forget the routine of waking up early, attending meetings, and planning lessons.

2. The Importance of Being Prepared: Over the break, I enjoyed having opportunities to be spontaneous and carefree. However, returning to school reminded me of the crucial balance between being flexible and having a well-laid plan for the day.

3. Classroom Management Techniques: Spending time away from my classroom made me realize how important certain management strategies are in maintaining productive learning environments. It was necessary to reintroduce these techniques to ensure smooth sailing in the new term.

4. Grading Assignments: During winter break, the pile of papers waiting to be graded was blissfully out of sight and out of mind. Returning to school brought them back into focus, reminding me that one can only procrastinate for so long!

5. Encouraging Student Engagement: While enjoying time off, it was easy for me to forget that it takes considerable effort on my part to inspire students’ excitement for learning and active participation in class discussions.

6. Logging Attendance: What felt like second nature earlier in the year required extra attention on my first day back as I found myself meticulously checking off attendance rosters.

7. Juggling Parent-Teacher Communication: Gently reestablishing open lines of communication with my students’ parents helped ensure we were aligned in our approach toward their education post-winter break.

8. Balancing Differentiation: After weeks of holiday indulgence, reacquainting myself with differentiating assignment levels and instructional approaches became another essential consideration upon returning to school.

9. Setting Priorities: Winter break allowed time for reflection on what had gone well and offered an opportunity to fine-tune our approach moving forward. Establishing new goals and priorities became crucial in enhancing the overall learning experience for my students.

10. Handling In-class Disruptions: The holidays were a great respite from distractions and interruptions that can arise during the school day. However, getting back to reality required preparing for any in-class disruptions that would inevitably come our way.

11. Making Time for Self-Care: Winter break was a much-needed opportunity to recharge and prioritize personal well-being. It served as a reminder that prioritizing self-care during regular school weeks is equally important to ensure a healthy work-life balance.

In conclusion, although winter break provided an essential opportunity to rest and regroup, it left room for many forgetful moments as a teacher. To avoid being blindsided upon returning to school, it’s important to reflect on these 11 factors and create an action plan for re-acclimating to the classroom setting smoothly.

6 Celebratory Ways to End the School Year with Students

As the school year comes to an end, it’s essential to find ways to celebrate the hard work and achievements of students. The following six celebratory methods can help educators and students alike enjoy a memorable conclusion to the academic year.

1. Host a virtual awards ceremony

Organizing an awards ceremony is an excellent way for teachers and administrators to acknowledge exceptional accomplishments by students throughout the year. Include categories such as best in academics, sports, or extracurricular activities. Ensure every student is celebrated through inclusive categories like ‘most improved’ or ‘best energy.’ For a more light-hearted touch, add some fun categories like ‘brightest smile’ or ‘biggest bookworm.’

2. Plan a class project presentation event

Give students the opportunity to showcase their best work from the year by hosting a class project presentation event. Students can display their projects in a gallery format or present them to the class, with parents and school staff also in attendance. This event allows students to discuss their work, demonstrate what they’ve learned, and enjoy recognition for their effort and growth during the past year.

3. Create a memory wall or digital collage

Invite students and staff members to contribute pictures, drawings, or messages about their favorite memories from the year. Construct a physical memory wall or create a digital collage that can be shared online. This activity offers students the chance to reflect on what they’ve learned while allowing everyone in the school community to view and appreciate their cherished memories together.

4. Organize a talent show

A talent show provides an opportunity for students and teachers alike to showcase their skills outside of academics and sports. Encourage individuals or groups to perform on stage using various skills like singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, stand-up comedy, or magic tricks. Including audience participation for voting on favorite acts adds a sense of excitement and camaraderie among classmates.

5. Host a class party or picnic

Celebrating the end of the school year can be as simple as hosting a class party or picnic where students can have fun and unwind. Activities like games, music, and dancing promote bonding and create lasting memories. Consider discussing with your students what they’d enjoy the most, providing them with creative control over the planning.

6. Write personal notes for each student

A heartfelt message from their teacher can leave a significant impact on students. Take the time to write individual notes expressing gratitude for each student’s contributions, acknowledging their efforts, and offering encouragement for their future endeavors. These messages can be kept as cherished mementos, reminding students how much they were valued during the school year.

In conclusion, there are many memorable ways to celebrate the end of an educational journey. These six methods can effectively come together to create a fun-filled and unforgettable finale for students and teachers alike. So, gather ideas, engage your students, and seize this opportunity to celebrate a fantastic year of learning, growth, and accomplishments!

Help! My Student Cheated—Why Am I the One in Trouble

In today’s highly competitive academic environment, cheating is unfortunately all too common. While educators and institutions have a responsibility to discourage cheating and punish those caught, it’s disheartening when the blame gets shifted onto the teacher instead.

So, why does this happen? And what can teachers do to protect themselves and maintain ethical teaching environments?

The Pressure to Succeed

One factor driving the increase in cheating is the intense pressure students face to succeed academically. They often view good grades as a ticket to acceptance at a top-tier college, a lucrative career, and ultimately a successful life. This pressure can come from peers or families, pushing students to take shortcuts to achieve their goals.

When a student gets caught cheating, some parents may defend their child’s actions and shift the blame onto the teacher claiming that they didn’t properly prepare their student or used ineffective teaching methods. In this scenario, the teacher suddenly finds themselves on trial instead of focusing on the student’s unethical behavior.

The Role of Educators

Educators have an essential role in preventing cheating. Teachers must create an atmosphere where academic integrity is valued and enforced. This involves setting clear expectations for student behavior, regularly discussing ethical principles and staying vigilant for signs of cheating.

One could argue that managing a classroom effectively will prevent most instances of cheating. Still, when students find ways to break rules despite such efforts, teachers shouldn’t be held responsible for individual choices made by students who blatantly disregard these guidelines.

Protecting Yourself as an Educator

Here are several things you can do if you are an educator accused of being negligent after catching a student cheating:

1. Document Everything: Keep detailed records of each student’s academic performance and behavior throughout the course. In case any allegations arise, you’ll have substantial evidence to back up your version of events.

2. Communicate with Your Administration: Maintain open communication with your administration and make them aware of any suspicious behavior, cheating incidents, and actions you’ve taken to address the issue.

3. Enforce a Strict Academic Integrity Policy: Develop and consistently enforce a clear academic integrity policy in your classroom ensuring all students are aware of the consequences of cheating.

4. Be Proactive in Preventing Cheating: Utilize various assessment methods and tools to detect plagiarism or other forms of cheating.


It’s frustrating when teachers become the scapegoats for their students’ unethical actions. However, educators must rise above these challenges and continue to foster an environment built on learning, critical thinking, and academic integrity.

By implementing effective teaching strategies and enforcing strict academic policies, teachers can protect themselves from unjust accusations while upholding ethical standards within their classrooms. Ultimately, the focus should return to supporting student growth while maintaining an honest educational environment.

These Outrageous Parent Requests of Teachers Will Make Your Brain Explode


Being a teacher is no easy feat, especially when dealing with overbearing parents who seem to have unrealistic expectations or outrageous requests. Here are some eyebrow-raising parent requests that teachers had to deal with, making the education sector a whole new bag of challenges.

1. Can You Babysit My Child After School?

One parent had the audacity to ask a teacher if they would babysit their child after school hours. Not only is this request inappropriate, but it also disregards the boundaries between professional and personal life. Teachers are not babysitters, they are educators doing an important job.

2. Can You Adjust My Child’s Grade to an A?

Yes, you read that right! A parent once asked a teacher to change their child’s grade from a B+ to an A simply because they thought their child deserved better. Demanding such preferential treatment undermines the grading process and creates an unfair environment for other students.

3. Please Teach Only Vegetarian Food in Cooking Class

In a cooking class meant to expose children to different food cultures and ingredients, one parent requested that only vegetarian dishes be taught. While being conscious of dietary choices is vital, it is unreasonable to impose personal preferences on others in this manner.

4. Can My Child Skip Homework or Exams due to Extracurricular Activities?

Parents often want their children to engage in various activities beyond academics. However, asking for exemptions from homework or exams because of extracurricular engagements is asking too much from already overstretched teachers.

5. Contact Me Immediately if My Child Gets a Low Score

While concern for your child’s academic progress is understandable, demanding immediate contact for every minor blip puts undue stress on teachers. With so many students under their watch, this request can add unwarranted pressure on educators.

6. Allow Extra Screen Time During Class

In our increasingly digital world, screen time management has become a pressing concern for parents and educators alike. However, a parent asking a teacher to permit their child to have extended screen time during class hours for entertainment purposes is completely unreasonable.


Teachers are entrusted with molding young minds into responsible adults. While parent involvement in education is essential, crossing boundaries with outlandish requests only impedes the learning process. By understanding and respecting the role teachers play in our children’s lives, we can foster healthier relationships and better educational experiences for everyone involved.

15 Everyday Incidents That Make Even the Strongest Teachers Cry


Teaching is a noble and rewarding profession, but it can also be challenging and emotionally draining. Educators face daily struggles and often fall victim to moments that break their hearts, despite their dedication and resilience. In this article, we share 15 everyday incidents that make even the strongest teachers cry.

1. When a student gives up on themselves

Seeing a talented, promising student lose hope in themselves is utterly heartbreaking for a teacher who has invested time, energy, and passion in their success.

2. Dealing with parents who don’t value education

When parents are disinterested in or dismissive of their child’s educational progress, it becomes difficult for teachers to maintain enthusiasm and push students to succeed.

3. Witnessing bullying

No matter how proactive a teacher may be in managing classroom behavior, witnessing bullying brings feelings of sadness and frustration.

4. The strain of standardized testing

High-stakes testing places tremendous pressure on both students and teachers, leading many educators to question whether their worth is measured by test scores alone.

5. Budget cuts and lack of resources

Teachers often have to fight for resources they need, watching as programs or materials that would benefit their students are cut due to lack of funding.

6. Long hours and workload

The endless hours dedicated to lesson planning, grading, professional development, and extracurricular duties can take a huge toll on a teacher’s emotional well-being.

7. Lack of recognition or appreciation

Despite pouring their hearts into their profession, many teachers feel undervalued or unappreciated by administrators, parents, and even students.

8. The passing of a student or colleague

Nothing is more devastating than the loss of someone they have grown close to within the school community.

9. Reaching out to struggling students without success

Not every student-teacher connection will be successful, and the inability to reach a struggling student can weigh heavily on an educator’s heart.

10. Managing classroom conflicts

Although it’s a natural part of any school environment, handling arguments and disagreements among students can be emotionally draining.

11. Feeling unsupported by school administration

Facing disciplinary issues or educational challenges without proper support from administrators can leave teachers feeling isolated and disheartened.

12. Saying goodbye to students at the end of the year

Forming strong bonds with students means that parting ways at the end of the academic year can be a heart-wrenching experience.

13. The constant change in educational policies

Navigating ever-changing government mandates, curriculum updates, and teaching methods can be an emotionally exhausting process for educators.

14. Struggling with work-life balance

With all the demands on their time, many teachers struggle to maintain a healthy, nurturing balance between their personal and professional lives, leading to feelings of guilt and frustration.

15. Failing to meet their own expectations

Teachers often hold themselves to impossibly high standards, and when they feel they’ve fallen short of those expectations, it’s deeply emotional and disappointing.


While teaching is an incredibly rewarding profession filled with moments of inspiration and pride, it also comes with its share of tearful moments. By addressing these emotional incidents and supporting one another through tough times, both students and educators can continue their pursuit of personal growth and achievement within our education system.

My Top 5 Secrets for Making Classroom Supplies Last

As a teacher, managing classroom supplies is essential for maintaining an organized and efficient educational environment. The importance of making those supplies last cannot be overstated. With budgets often being stretched thin, it’s crucial for teachers to be resourceful in order to maximize the life of everyday materials.
In this article, we’ll explore five secrets that every teacher should know about how to make their classroom supplies stand the test of time.

1. Proper Storage

The first secret to ensuring the longevity of classroom supplies is proper storage. Materials like paper and markers can become easily damaged or dried out if not stored correctly. Invest in sturdy containers or shelves to keep supplies organized, and be sure to store items in a cool, dry place.

2. Planned Inventory Rotation

Rotate your inventory based on usage patterns and expiration dates. Frequently used items such as markers, erasers, and glue sticks should be replenished on a regular basis while older materials should be used first. Similarly, rotate through crafting materials like construction paper and felt based on their age to avoid deterioration.

3. Encourage Student Ownership

Encourage students to take responsibility for maintaining the classroom’s supplies by assigning tasks or creating roles within the group. Students can help by cleaning whiteboards and collecting broken crayons, for example. By fostering a sense of ownership in the class, students will take greater care when using communal resources.

4. Repurpose and Reuse

Think creatively about how you can repurpose materials that may otherwise be discarded. For example, consider turning old worksheets into scrap paper for note-taking or recycling broken crayons by melting them down into new shapes. The possibilities are endless when you approach your resources with a resourceful mindset!

5. Purchase Quality Supplies

While it may seem counterintuitive when trying to save money, investing in higher-quality supplies upfront can actually help you save in the long run. More durable markers, scissors, or glue and adhesive products will last longer and perform reliably, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

In conclusion, being mindful of how you store, rotate, and delegate the care of supplies can greatly extend their lifespan. By encouraging students to take responsibility and thinking creatively about repurposing materials, you can make the most of your classroom resources without breaking the bank. With these top secrets in your arsenal, your classroom supplies will last longer than ever before.

Help! My Students Call Me by My First Name and Now My Colleagues Are Offended

We live in a rapidly evolving world, where lines of formality and respect are constantly evolving. One such area that is witnessing a cultural shift is the educator-student relationship. Traditionally, it has been considered polite for students to address their instructors by their last name or using a title, showing respect for their authority and experience. However, as educational institutions evolve, some prefer to forego traditional formalities for a more personal approach.

In this article, we will address the challenges faced by educators who find themselves caught between the desire for fostering an open and relaxed classroom environment and maintaining professional boundaries.

The Changing Classroom Culture

The modern classroom embraces inclusivity, diversity, and collaboration. Teachers are no longer viewed as the sole gatekeepers of knowledge but as facilitators in the learning journey. With such developments, many educators are increasingly comfortable with being called by their first names, seeing this as a way to reduce power dynamics and create a sense of community within the classroom.

While there are benefits to easing formalities between students and teachers, it’s essential to acknowledge that not all educators believe it is appropriate. Some still view this approach as disrespectful or unprofessional, undermining the teacher’s authority in the learning space. Ultimately, context matters when deciding on how to address an educator.

Navigating Colleague Disapproval

When you find yourself in situations where your more open approach has offended your colleagues, consider implementing some of these strategies:

1. Explain your choice: Have an honest conversation with your coworkers about why you encourage students to refer to you by your first name. Share with them any possible benefits gleaned from personal experience or supporting research.

2. Maintain professional boundaries: It’s important to continuously ensure that allowing students to use your first name does not compromise your authority or ability to maintain disciplinary action when needed.

3. Don’t enforce your preference on others: Recognize that different educators have varying opinions on proper addressing conventions. Respect your colleagues’ choices and encourage your students to address each educator according to their preferences.

4. Seek school policy guidance: Check your institution’s policies regarding educator-student interactions and follow any specific guidelines outlined. If there is no such policy, it may be an opportunity for productive discussions within the institution.

5. Engage in open dialogue: Use this topic as an opportunity to engage in discourse on teacher-student relationships and professionalism within your department or organization.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the choice to maintain either a more traditional or casual relationship with your students should be determined by what you believe best serves your pedagogical goals within the learning environment. Understanding the potential drawbacks and benefits associated with both approaches will assist in finding the balance between fostering an inclusive atmosphere without compromising professional boundaries or offending colleagues.

Teachers, We Have Got To Stop Falling for “Future” TikTok Challenges

The viral nature of social media has given birth to various trends and challenges that seem impossible to escape. Some of them are harmless, fun, or even educational. However, the “Future” TikTok challenges have taken an increasingly concerning turn for educators worldwide. As teachers, it’s crucial that we recognize these challenges and resist participating in them for the sake of our students’ wellbeing and maintaining a professional environment.

What Are “Future” TikTok Challenges?

“Future” TikTok challenges refer to a series of pranks or destructive acts that often encourage participants to engage in risky behaviors, vandalize property, or harass others. These challenges frequently spread like wildfire on social media platforms, with participants competing for views and likes. Unfortunately, they have increasingly targeted educational institutions, disrupting teaching environments and causing problems for teachers and students alike.

Why Teachers Must Refuse to Participate

Regardless of the perceived humor or potential virality of such challenges, teachers must adhere to their role as positive role models and effective educators. Engaging in “Future” TikTok challenges can:

1. Undermine Teachers’ Authority: When teachers participate in these disruptive challenges, their authority is weakened, and they risk losing the respect of their students.

2. Create an Unsafe Learning Environment: School vandalism, harassment, and violence stem from these pranks; they put students at risk while detracting from a positive learning environment.

3. Set a Bad Example: Teachers who engage in “Future” TikTok challenges inadvertently condone this behavior and encourage students to follow suit.

4. Waste Valuable Instructional Time: Time spent addressing vandalism or disciplining those involved takes away from instruction and productive student-teacher interactions.

5. Legal Ramifications: Depending on the severity of the challenge, both teachers and students could face legal consequences for their actions.

How to Combat “Future” TikTok Challenges

Education is key in combating these viral challenges. Teachers should:

1. Address Social Media Trends: Discuss the dangers of participating in such trends during class or assembly, encouraging critical thinking and emotional intelligence.

2. Encourage Positive Online Behavior: Promote a healthy digital culture by praising positive trends and highlighting the harm done by destructive ones.

3. Open Communication: Emphasize a safe space for students to voice concerns and report their peers’ risky behaviors without fear of judgment or punishment.

4. Inclusion & Peer Support: Foster a positive learning environment where students feel included and supported by their classmates, reducing the appeal of destructive group behaviors.

5. Collaborate with Parents & Administration: Work alongside school staff and parents to monitor social media activities, identify emergent trends, and create comprehensive strategies to address them.

In conclusion, it is incumbent upon teachers to refuse participation in “Future” TikTok challenges that threaten the safety and integrity of educational institutions. By fostering healthy digital habits and promoting a supportive learning environment, we can work together as educators to ensure our students are provided with the best opportunities for academic success – away from the distractions caused by destructive viral challenges.

Free Poster: 7 Questions Students Should Ask Before Saying ‘I’m Done’


As students progress through their academic journey, they often rush to complete assignments and declare themselves “done” without thorough self evaluation. To help students invest more time in self-assessment and reflection, we have developed a free poster outlining 7 essential questions they should ask before considering their work complete.

1. Have I read the instructions carefully?

Before claiming to be done, students should always review the assignment instructions to ensure they have understood and followed each guideline. This allows them to identify areas where they may have deviated from the given task and rectify any discrepancies.

2. Did I check my work for errors?

Students should thoroughly proofread their work, checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. By dedicating time to perfecting their writing, students can greatly improve the overall quality and readability of their assignments.

3. Have I provided clear explanations and examples?

In an ideal assignment, every idea should be supported with clear explanations and relevant examples. Before considering themselves finished, students must make sure they have included substantial evidence that effectively communicates their understanding of the topic.

4. Are my arguments well-structured and logical?

A well-thought-out argument is key to a standout assignment. Students should examine their work to ensure it follows a logical structure with comprehensive points that flow sequentially from one idea to the next.

5. Did I answer all of the questions or address all required aspects of the assignment?

To guarantee that every aspect of an assignment is covered, students must double-check whether all questions posed and sections required by the instructions are addressed in their work.

6. Have I properly cited all sources and used an appropriate reference style?

Proper citation is crucial in academic writing as it establishes credibility and prevents plagiarism. Before submitting an assignment, students must confirm that they have cited every source accurately in accordance with the specified reference style.

7. Did I seek input from a peer or teacher?

Receiving feedback from peers or instructors provides students with the opportunity to improve their work before submitting it. By incorporating advice from others, students can refine their assignments and better achieve learning objectives.


Asking these 7 essential questions can greatly enhance the quality of a student’s work, fostering a mindset focused on self-improvement and reflection. By implementing this self-assessment strategy, students will develop vital skills that not only benefit their academic performance but also prepare them for success in future pursuits. Download our free poster now to help your students take responsibility for their learning and strive for continuous growth.

Help! My Students Won’t Listen To Me! (Like, Ever) – Outbreaks

As a teacher, it’s inevitable that you’ll encounter moments of frustration with your students. One of the most challenging situations to handle is when your students refuse to listen. Despite your best efforts, you can’t help but wonder if there’s some mysterious “outbreak” preventing effective communication.

In this article, we will explore why students may not be listening in class and various strategies for regaining control and promoting active involvement.

Why Students Don’t Listen

1. Lack of interest: If the subject matter doesn’t intrigue the student, they are less likely to pay attention.

2. Distractions: With the ever-increasing influx of smartphones, social media, and other distractions, it’s no surprise that keeping a student’s focus can be difficult.

3. Peer influence: Sometimes, students may refuse to listen because of peer pressure or a desire to impress their classmates.

4. Fatigue: Exhaustion from lack of sleep or overscheduling might make paying attention a struggle.

5. Classroom environment: An overcrowded or chaotic atmosphere can negatively impact concentration and attentiveness.

Strategies for Regaining Students’ Attention

1. Make lessons engaging: Use different teaching methods and incorporate multimedia elements like videos and images to hold their interest.

2. Set expectations: Clearly define expectations for behavior at the beginning of the school year to establish rules and consequences for not following them.

3. Utilize technology: Instead of trying to eliminate smartphones from the classroom altogether, consider integrating them into lessons as learning tools (e.g., via educational apps or websites).

4. Foster positive relationships: Cultivating mutual respect between teachers and students makes it more likely they will listen better in class.

5. Re-energize your students: Offer short breaks for stretching or allow time to discuss topics unrelated to the lesson as appropriate; this can help refocus and boost energy levels for better overall concentration.

In Summary

Dealing with students who won’t listen can be a daunting task. However, by understanding the underlying reasons behind their behavior and employing strategies to facilitate their engagement, you can regain their attention and foster a more productive learning environment. Remember, successful communication is key to promoting active participation in the classroom.