20 Genius Tricks for Getting Students to Participate in Learning Activities

Are you looking for genius tricks for getting students to participate in learning activities? If so, keep reading. 1. Do not embarrass the learner by giving them orders, requirements, etc., in front of others. 2. Make positive remarks about participating in school and special activities. 3. Do not force the learner to interact with others. 4. Go with the learner or have someone else escort the learner to those learning activities in which they may not want to participate. Slowly decrease the duration of time you or someone else stays with the learner. 5. Take into account those learning activities …

22 Hacks to Encourage Students Not to Leave Their Seat Without Permission

Are you looking for hacks to encourage students not to leave their seat without permission? If so, keep reading. 1. Create times when it is permissible for the learner to be out of their seat (e.g., leave their seat only to get a book, only after obtaining permission, etc.). 2. Give the learner a predetermined signal when they begin to leave their seat. 3. Make sure that reinforcement is not provided for unacceptable behavior(e.g., paying attention to the learner only when they leave their seat). 4. Be proactive. Work with the school counselor to design a schedule conducive to the …

23 Strategies to Help Students Who Have Trouble Mimicking Speech Sounds

Are you looking for strategies to help students who have trouble mimicking speech sounds? If so, keep reading. 1. Ensure that the learner can hear the difference between the target sound and the way it should be made and the way it sounds when incorrectly pronounced. 2. Get the learner to keep a list of all the words they can think of that contain sounds they have difficulty pronouncing accurately. 3. Throughout oral reading, underline words containing the target sound and reinforce the learner for correct pronunciations. 4. Assess the appropriateness of requiring the learner to accurately pronounce specific sounds …

17 Hacks to Motivate Students to Be Prepared for Learning Experiences

Are you looking for hacks to motivate students to be prepared for learning experiences? If so, keep reading. 1. Gather anecdotal information on the learner’s tardy behavior. If a trend can be determined, remove the learner from the situation and/or help the learner be encouraged. 2. Make sure the learner is properly placed according to their capacity and ability level in those classes in which they are enrolled. 3. Minimize the emphasis on competition. Repeated failure may cause the learner to avoid being on time for learning activities that are competitive. 4. Teach the learner how to use a calendar …

What Impact Did COVID Have on K-12 Education?

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on nearly every aspect of our lives, and K-12 education has been no exception. As schools were forced to close their doors and swiftly transition to remote learning in early 2020, the normal routines for millions of students, teachers, and parents were upended. This article examines the main ways that the pandemic has impacted K-12 education across the globe. Disruption of In-Person Education One of the most immediate and apparent consequences of the pandemic has been the disruption of traditional in-person schooling. School closures have impacted over 1.5 billion students worldwide. …

24 Strategies to Teach Students Not to Blurt Out Answers During Class

Are you looking for strategies to teach students not to blurt out answers during class? If so, keep reading. 1. Create classroom rules: • Remain on-task. • Remain in your seat. • Finish tasks. • Meet task expectations. • Raise your hand. Examine rules often. Praise students for following the rules. 2. Connect with parents (e.g., notes home, phone calls, etc.) to disseminate information about the learner’s appropriate behavior. The parents may reinforce the learner at home for waiting to be called on before speaking. 3. Ask questions frequently to prevent the learner from becoming impatient and blurting out answers. …

24 Ways to Teach Kids Not to Abuse Drugs or Alcohol

Are you looking for ways to teach kids not to abuse drugs or alcohol? If so, keep reading. 1. Minimize the emphasis on competition and help the learner realize that success is individually defined. 2. Be willing to take the time to listen, share, and talk with the learner. 3. Boost your own professional knowledge of laws and treatment about drug or alcohol use and abuse. 4. Teach the learner alternative ways to deal with requirements, challenges, and pressures of the school experience (e.g., deal with problems when they arise, practice self-control at all times, share problems or concerns with …

Why Some Kids Struggle With Learning

There are many reasons why some kids struggle to learn. Some kids may have trouble with basic concepts, while others have trouble staying motivated. Here are five reasons why some kids struggle to learn: 1. Difficulties with Basic Concepts Many kids have trouble understanding basic concepts, such as math or science. This can be due to a lack of understanding or difficulty with the material, or a lack of practice. If children don’t have a solid foundation in these areas, it can be difficult for them to learn more complex concepts. 2. Lack of Motivation Many kids struggle to stay …

Word Study Instruction in the K-2 Classroom

In the K-2 classroom, word study instruction can be a very important part of the curriculum. Not only is it important for students to be able to read and decode words, but it is also important for them to be able to understand the meaning of these words. One way to help students learn to understand the meaning of words is to have them use context clues. For example, if a student is reading a story, he or she may be able to infer what the character is feeling based on the context of the scene. Another way to help …

Democratizing School Choice

School choice has been a contentious issue in American education for years, with advocates for the approach pushing for greater parental control over student education and opponents arguing that it divides schools and creates inequality. Despite the debate, there is no denying the fact that school choice can be immensely beneficial to students and families, especially in low-income areas where access to quality education is limited. However, it’s important to note that not all school choice programs are created equal, and in some cases, they may even exacerbate existing inequalities. This is why it is crucial to democratize school choice …