Continuing Legal Education: Using ChatGPT Prompts For Course Descriptions

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) remains a pivotal component of legal practice, ensuring practitioners stay abreast of the latest legal developments and maintain their professional skill set. In an era where technology plays a crucial role in almost every industry, Artificial Intelligence-powered tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT present innovative opportunities in developing dynamic CLE course materials. ChatGPT Prompts for Course Description: An Intriguing Integration Embracing AI in Legal Research Explore the depths of AI’s application in legal research. Learn the construction of effective ChatGPT prompts to navigate through vast data pools, extracting relevant case laws, statutes, and secondary sources to aid in …

Top 10 Legal Issues in K-12 Education

K-12 education is a complex, ever-changing system. As lawmakers and educators grapple with ways to keep students safe and provide them with a quality education, legal issues inevitably arise. Here are 10 of the most important legal issues in K-12 education. 1. Religious liberty: Schools must allow students to practice their religion without harassment or discrimination but how this is implemented can be tricky. For example, a school may allow religious items in the classroom, but not allow prayer. 2. LGBT rights: Schools must protect LGBT students from discrimination but should also allow for open discussion of gay rights. For …

Tips for Parents of Law School Applicants

As a parent of a child who is applying to law school, it can be challenging to know how to best support and guide your student through the application process. Here are some tips for parents on supporting their child applying to law school: 1. Do your research: As a parent, it is essential to research law school admission requirements, rankings, and application deadlines. Please encourage your child to research law schools and attend law school fairs, open houses, and other events to get a better understanding of the schools they are interested in. 2. Provide emotional support: The law …

The LSAT (Law School Admission Test): Everything You Need to Know

The LSAT is a skills-based, standardized law school entrance examination overseen by the Nonprofit Law School Admission Council. This is the council responsible for assessing the prospective Law student’s cognitive, analytic, and logical reasoning skills. This is achieved by organizing the LSAT; an exam that consists of an ungraded writing section, which is sent to law schools to which the student sends out their applications. It has been consistently shown by studies that the LSAT is the solitary best predictor of first-year law school performance, even superior to undergraduate grade-point average. Most law schools consider an applicant’s LSAT score together …