Contact Information for State Education Agencies Across the United States

Looking for the contact information for the department of education, the higher education agency, special education agency, and adult education agency in a specific state? Check out this handy resource that we put together for you.

State Education Department – Alabama State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Alabama Commission on Higher Education

State Education Department – Alaska Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – University of Alaska Board of Regents

State Education Department – Arizona Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education

State Education Department – Arkansas Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Arkansas Department of Higher Education

State Education Department – California Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – California Postsecondary Education Commission

State Education Department – Colorado Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Colorado Commission on Higher Education

State Education Department – Connecticut State Education Department 
State Higher Education Agency – Board of Regents for Higher Education

State Education Department – Delaware State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Delaware Higher Education Commission

Washington, DC
State Education Department – D.C. Public School Systems

State Education Department – Florida Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Florida Board of Governors

State Education Department – Georgia Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – University System of Georgia

State Education Department – Hawaii State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Hawaii Board of Regents

State Education Department – Idaho State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Idaho State Board of Education

State Education Department – Illinois State Board of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Illinois Board of Higher Education

State Education Department – Indiana Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Indiana Commission for Higher Education

State Education Department – Iowa Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Iowa College Student Aid Commission

State Education Department – Kansas State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Kansas Board of Regents

State Education Department – Kentucky Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

State Education Department – Louisiana Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Louisiana Board of Regents

State Education Department – Maine Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – University of Maine System

State Education Department – Maryland State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Maryland Higher Education Commission

State Education Department – Massachusetts State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Massachusetts Board of Higher Education

State Education Department – Michigan Department of Education

State Education Department – Minnesota Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Minnesota Higher Education Services Office
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

State Education Department – Mississippi State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning

State Education Department – Missouri Elementary and Secondary Education
State Higher Education Agency – Missouri Department of Higher Education

State Education Department – Montana Office of Public Instruction
State Higher Education Agency – Montana Board of Regents

State Education Department – Nebraska Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education

State Education Department – Nevada Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – University and College System of Nevada

New Hampshire
State Education Department – New Hampshire Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – University System of New Hampshire

New Jersey
State Education Department – New Jersey Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – New Jersey Commission on Higher Education

New Mexico
State Education Department – New Mexico State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – New Mexico Commission on Higher Education

New York
State Education Department – New York State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – NYSED Office of Higher Education

North Carolina
State Education Department – North Carolina State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – College Foundation of North Carolina

North Dakota
State Education Department – North Dakota Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – North Dakota University System (NDUS)

State Education Department – Ohio Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Ohio Board of Regents

State Education Department – Oklahoma State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

State Education Department – Oregon Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Oregon State System of Higher Education

State Education Department – Pennsylvania Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education

Rhode Island
State Education Department – Rhode Island State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education

South Carolina
State Education Department – South Carolina Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – South Carolina Commission on Higher Education

South Dakota
State Education Department – South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs
State Higher Education Agency – South Dakota Board of Regents

State Education Department – Tennessee State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Tennessee Higher Education Commission

State Education Department – Texas Education Agency
State Higher Education Agency – Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

State Education Department – Utah Office of Education (K-12)
State Higher Education Agency – Utah System of Higher Education

State Education Department – Vermont State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – Vermont State College System

State Education Department – Virginia Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – State Council of Higher Education for Virginia
Virginia Community College System (VCCS) – Virginia Community College System

State Education Department – Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
State Higher Education Agency – Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board

West Virginia
State Education Department – West Virginia Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

State Education Department – Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
State Higher Education Agency – University of Wisconsin System Administration

State Education Department – Wisconsin State Department of Education
State Higher Education Agency – University of Wyoming

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