Debate Topics for Middle School Students

For most of us, middle school is a pivotal time in our lives. During this time, we are starting to form a concrete identity and find our voice. During this journey of self-discovery, we need people in our lives to help nurture us. If you are a teacher, you likely try to use instructional time to create opportunities for students to find their voice. The best tool in your teaching toolkit, debates. Why? Because they help students hone their critical thinking skills and learn how to argue their points respectfully and honestly. Below we have included debate topics that you can use with your middle school students today.

  • There should be chores for learners as well.
  • Sports should be a part of middle school.
  • School debate should be required for all learners.
  • Is the death penalty an effective punishment?
  • Should there be school uniforms or a dress code?
  • Junk food should be banned in schools.
  • Energy drinks should be banned for learners.
  • Learners should volunteer for community service.
  • Learners should not be allowed gadgets in school.
  • Kids shouldn’t be allowed to play violent video games.
  • Zoos should be banned.
  • Mobile phones should be allowed in schools.
  • Why do children need privacy?
  • Learners should not be allowed to use Facebook.
  • Importance of saving money.
  • Every learner should adopt a family pet.
  • Why do most kids start smoking?
  • Importance of reading books.
  • Should all students have chores daily?
  • Does every home need a pet?
  • Should each student play a musical instrument?
  • Does homework need to be banned?
  • Should schools require uniforms?
  • Is year-round school better for students?
  • Should juice and sodas be banned from children?
  • Should PE be required for students?
  • Does snack need to be banned from schools?