Evaluating ELearning

There are most ways in which a person can evaluate an eLearning program. However, most organizations do not know about these methods or how to apply them. 

Ineffective evaluation will often result in faulty learning systems that leave learners unsatisfied. For this reason, we will discuss three ways to effectively evaluate your eLearning program

ELearning Feedback

This is the easiest and many obvious ways in which you can evaluate your eLearning course: you have to ask people who have completed your program to answer some questions based on its quality. You can do this via surveys, interviews, or assessments. 

Some critical questions to ask include:

  • Did you understand how the work is described?
  • Were there enough resources (such as images) included?
  • Would you recommend the eLearning course to a friend?
  • How would you change the course if you could?
  • What did you like about the course?
  • What did you not like about the course?

All of these questions will give you meaningful insight into the experience that people have when they enroll in your eLearning program. 

ELearning Assessment Results

ELearning assessment results give us concrete numbers as to how effective an online course is. You will be able to find trends and patterns in the results produced by learners; these trends can then be used to modify your course accordingly. 

Once a learner has completed your online program, they should take an exam or test to determine how well they know the work. Some institutions also make the learners complete assignments or projects. 

If most learners fail these assessments, you will know that something may be wrong with your course. On the other hand, if most learners pass or receive high results, that is an indication that your course is well-constructed. 

Measure Learning Outcomes

Effective eLearning courses should result in positive change when it comes to the results of learners. For this reason, you can evaluate your learning course based on the progress made by learners. This is especially true for eLearning programs that teach physical or practical skills, such as makeup or nail art. 

You should start your course by making learners complete an online assessment. Record their results and store them in a safe place. Once the learners have completed their online program, make them retake the same assessment and record their results. 

If you notice a significant improvement, that is a sign that your course is effective. However, if you don’t notice much progress, you might want to look into changing a few aspects of your online program. 

There are numerous ways in which you can improve your course. For instance, a new app called Pedagogue will allow you to communicate with educators worldwide to share tips, techniques, and teaching methods. You can use this info to edit your program and make it more versatile and effective. 


There are a few ways in which you can effectively evaluate your eLearning course. For starters, you could use eLearning feedback or eLearning assessments to determine how effective your program is. You could also measure the improvement that your learners make from the program’s start to the end. However, this method is better used for practical courses.