Family Engagement Lab Launches Learning Series for Educators

The Family Engagement Learning Series will offer a range of information, best practices, and tools to connect families to student learning

(Oakland, CA) Nov. 14, 2019Family Engagement Lab, a leading voice in curriculum-aligned family-engagement best practices, launched its Family Engagement Learning Series today. The initiative will provide educators and education advocates monthly best practices, research, tools, and other resources related to engaging families in student learning activities.

Through social media, newsletters, blogs, and online workshops, educators, and education advocates will receive helpful tips to help families accomplish a range of goals, including:

  • Connecting families to classroom curriculum and learning by answering caregivers’ key questions, such as what their child should be learning, whether their student is on track, and how family members can help;
  • Encouraging stronger partnerships and relationships among teachers, families, and students;
  • Providing schools and teachers with strategies, research, and training to support high-quality instruction and family engagement, especially with diverse learners; and
  • Spotlighting excellence by recognizing schools, teachers, and families using FASTalk, Family Engagement Lab’s family engagement tool, to great effect.

To support those goals, each month Family Engagement Lab will release a set of instructional strategies, research, family-engagement activities, and online resources related to a specific family engagement topic. Upcoming topics include:

  • Meeting the needs of diverse learners;
  • Navigating today’s new math;
  • Mid-year and end-of-year student and family checkups;
  • The importance of early literacy; and
  • Preparing for a new school year.

“At Family Engagement Lab, we help schools and families partner to ensure students have meaningful, at-home learning experiences that support their social, emotional, and academic development,” said Family Engagement Lab co-founder and CEO Vidya Sundaram.

“Research has shown that family engagement in learning has an even larger effect on student achievement than parental education or socioeconomic status, making it critical for student success,” said Dr. Elisabeth O’Bryon, co-founder and head of research & curriculum at Family Engagement Lab. “We’re so excited to share these resources with educators and parents eager to build the important relationships between families and teachers.”

Interested educators can sign up for the Family Engagement Learning Series newsletter and access the Family Engagement Resource Library at

About Family Engagement Lab
Family Engagement Lab’s mission is to help schools ignite the potential of millions of families to support their child’s learning. Family Engagement Lab’s FASTalk tool connects families to school through automatically delivered activities aligned to the academic calendar and curriculum. The company is committed to supporting high-need communities: 85% of students served by Family Engagement Lab qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. To learn more, please visit

Media Contact
Sarni Jaye
PR with Panache!

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