Get Your Dec. 2018 Random Acts of Kindness Calendar


The holiday season is the perfect time to spread joy and happiness amongst your loved ones, and what better way to do this than by incorporating random acts of kindness throughout the month? As we prepare to bid farewell to 2018, let’s make an effort to put smiles on the faces of those around us with our very own Random Acts of Kindness Calendar for December 2018.

What is a Random Acts of Kindness Calendar?

A Random Acts of Kindness Calendar is a fun and exciting way to spread positivity within your community during the month of December. The calendar consists of various acts of kindness that you can fulfill each day, helping brighten someone else’s day in the process. By completing these selfless acts, you not only bring cheer to others but also experience a sense of personal fulfillment and joy.

Getting Started with Your Dec. 2018 Random Acts of Kindness Calendar

To start utilizing your Dec. 2018 Random Acts of Kindness Calendar:

1. Print out or create a December calendar that you can easily hang on your wall or keep visible on your desk.

2. Jot down small acts of kindness on each day’s square – remember, these acts should be achievable within a day.

3. Encourage family members, friends, and colleagues to participate by sharing their own ideas for acts of kindness.

4. Seize each day as an opportunity to spread joy – don’t worry if you end up missing a few days! The main goal is participation.

Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness

Here are some suggestions for random acts of kindness that can be included in your calendar:

1. Compliment someone genuinely.

2. Donate non-perishable food items to a local food pantry.

3. Offer your seat on public transportation to someone who might need it more.

4. Write a heartfelt thank-you note to a teacher, friend, or family member.

5. Volunteer your time at a soup kitchen, nursing home, or animal shelter.

6. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in line.

7. Plant a tree or clean up litter in your neighborhood.


The December 2018 Random Acts of Kindness Calendar is an exceptional way to close out the year with compassion and benevolence. By participating in this initiative, you can be sure that you’re making a tangible impact on the lives of people who need it most. So let’s come together as a community and spread goodwill fаr аnd widе during thе hоlidау sеаsоn.