How Can Teachers Make Artificial Intelligence Work For Them?

Artificial intelligence development and use are affecting industries well outside the IT industry, with few disciplines remaining unaffected. AI applications will eventually reap significant benefits in the educational area as well. In this post, we’ll look at seven different ways Artificial Intelligence may be applied in the classroom.

1. Adaptive Learning is a term that refers to the ability to learn.  This might be the most exciting AI use case in education. In schools, AI might track individual students‘ progress and either modify the curriculum or alert the teacher if a student is struggling with the topic. Intelligent tutoring systems might also benefit from AI.

2. Individualized Training. Personalized or individualized learning refers to a variety of educational programs in which the teaching style and learning speed are matched to the needs and characteristics of each student. This incorporates diverse students’ interests and learning preferences. AI may adjust to a student’s learning rate and provide more complicated activities to enhance learning, allowing both quicker and slower students to learn at their own pace.

3. Computerized Grading. To score essays, AI-based automated grading employs a computer program that mimics the behavior of a teacher. It may evaluate a student’s knowledge, analyze their responses, offer tailored feedback, and create individualized learning plans.

4. Training in Intervals. Reviewing material that is in danger of being forgotten is an effective instructional strategy that makes use of technology. An educational program based on spaced training, also referred to as intermediate interval education, was created by a Polish engineer. His program keeps track of what a student is learning and when they are learning it. The software uses artificial intelligence to predict when the student would forget new material and suggests that it be revisited. It simply takes a few repetitions to ensure that the knowledge is retained for a long time.

5. Student Evaluations of Teachers. Students have a long history of assessing teachers. Despite the move from paper to digital surveys, the feedback process has seen few changes. It’s critical to improve the procedure of student assessment of teachers because it’s a valuable source of knowledge.

For making those necessary changes, artificial intelligence offers a variety of intriguing solutions. Chatbots may gather data using a dialogue interface that looks and feels like a genuine interviewer, with no effort on the part of the user. Conversations may be tailored to the student’s personality and the responses they provide. Even nasty remarks and personal attacks, which are occasionally posted in feedback, may be filtered out by chatbots.

6. Smart Campuses. An Australian institution has already implemented a smart campus. Watson, IBM’s supercomputer system, is responsible for its intelligence.

A smart campus can answer students’ inquiries regarding whatever they want to learn about campus life, such as where to find a lecture hall, how to register for a class, how to acquire assignments, how to find a parking place, or how to contact a professor.

7. Exam Proctoring. Distance learning is the pinnacle of high-technology education, and distance tests are an unavoidable part of it. However, administering those tests in a way that prevents cheating is difficult. Proctoring systems driven by artificial intelligence can verify test takers’ identities and prevent cheating during the test.
