How Can Tech Coaches and Content Coaches Work Together?

As classroom coaching becomes an increasingly popular teaching development method, schools are beginning to hire several coaches that each play a role in the classroom. For instance, two very highly sought-after jobs are tech and content coaches. 

However, if several coaches have their own input, opinions will eventually begin to become inconsistent. This article will discuss how tech coaches and content coaches can work together to provide a consistent and well-established teaching environment. 

Ensure Regular Check-Ins

To prevent opinions and methods from contradicting each other, tech and content coaches should schedule regular check-ins. Coaches should talk about success stories, challenges, trends, teaching methods, techniques, and other news in these meetings. This will ensure that coaches can work together to provide the school with the finest service possible. 

Bring Educators into the Conversation

Educators need to know what type of info the tech and content coaches share and what is confidential. When educators stay in the loop, it builds trust between the coaches and themselves. 

Educators should feel they can add ideas and share their suggestions with the tech and content coaches. At the end of the day, both educators and coaches’ jobs are to provide better education for the learners, meaning that they all have the same goal. 

Research the School’s Teaching Materials and Learning Initiatives

Tech and content coaches should all keep a record of the teaching materials offered by the school and the several coaching and mentorship initiatives that it offers. The coaches will both need to use the teaching materials and should be involved in the mentorship initiatives. 

The coaches will need to decide which model they will be using and which timeline they will follow. They will need to examine the terminology they will use on the job and measure their learners’ progress. Once they have these answers, the tech and content coaches will find the many applicable and complementary methods to work.


Classroom coaching is becoming a popular method of teaching development. However, finding a way for tech and content coaches to work together is essential. 

For this to occur, coaches must plan frequent check-ins to discuss success stories, challenges, teaching methods, etc. Educators should be brought into the conversation. Coaches can do this by sharing essential info with the educators. Lastly, tech and content coaches should keep a record of the school’s stock and teaching programs.

Lastly, educators need to encourage learners to use tech at home. Then they will be able to complete projects and assignments in their own time.