How to Make a Cheap, Simple Lawn Sprinkler System


A beautiful, lush green lawn is something that many homeowners aspire to achieve. One of the main factors in achieving this goal is having an effective lawn watering system in place. When it comes to installing a sprinkler system, many people think of expensive, complex systems that require professional installation. However, it is possible to create a cheap and simple lawn sprinkler setup that will keep your grass healthy and green without breaking the bank. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of making your own affordable lawn sprinkler system.


– Garden hose

– Hose splitter

– Hose-end sprinklers (such as impulse, oscillating, or rotating models)

– Hose timers (optional)

Step 1: Assess your lawn layout

Before you start setting up your sprinkler system, take note of your lawn’s size and shape. This will help you determine the number of hose-end sprinklers needed to ensure even water coverage. If your lawn has unique features such as trees or flower beds, consider incorporating them into your watering plan.

Step 2: Choose your hose-end sprinklers

There are various types of hose-end sprinklers on the market, each with its advantages and watering patterns. Impulse sprinklers have a far-reaching spray distance and can cover larger areas; oscillating sprinklers provide even coverage for rectangular lawns; rotating sprinklers offer adjustable patterns for irregularly shaped spaces. Based on your lawn’s layout, choose the best

sprinkler model that suits your needs.

Step 3: Set up hoses and splitters

Place the hose splitter near your outdoor water tap and attach one end of the garden hose to it. The splitter allows multiple hoses to be connected simultaneously to distribute water effectively across your lawn. Connect hose-end sprinklers at strategic points along the hoses’ length to cover the entire lawn area.

Step 4: Install optional hose timers

Hose timers can be attached directly to your hose splitter, allowing you to automate your lawn watering schedule. If you decide to use a timer, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for programming and installation. Timers not only provide convenience but can also help conserve water by ensuring that your lawn is only watered as needed.

Step 5: Test your sprinkler system

Turn on the water and examine each sprinkler’s coverage. Adjust the sprinklers’ orientation, distance, or height as needed for maximum coverage. Pay attention to any overlapping areas or dry spots, and make adjustments accordingly.

Step 6: Enjoy your simple lawn sprinkler system

With your new cheap and easy-to-make sprinkler system in place, you can now enjoy a beautiful, well-watered lawn. Be sure to monitor your lawn’s health and adjust your watering schedule as needed based on factors such as weather conditions, soil type, and grass growth patterns.


Installing a simple lawn sprinkler system doesn’t have to be an expensive or complicated endeavor. By following these steps and tailoring the system to suit your lawn’s size and shape, you’ll be able to maintain a healthy, green oasis right outside your door without breaking the bank.