How to Set Up and Run a Classroom Escape Room

Step 1: Choose a theme

Decide on a theme for your classroom escape room. It could be related to a specific subject or topic, or you can go with a general theme like a treasure hunt or spy mission.

Step 2: Create the storyline

Develop a captivating storyline that will engage the students throughout the escape room. The storyline should be connected to the theme and involve a problem or mystery that needs to be solved.

Step 3: Design the puzzles

Design a series of puzzles and challenges that the students will need to solve in order to progress through the escape room. These can include riddles, codes, logic puzzles, and more. Make sure the difficulty level is appropriate for your student’s age and abilities.

Step 4: Gather materials

Collect all the necessary materials for the escape room, including props, locks, clues, and any other items needed for the puzzles. Make sure to organize everything in a way that makes it easy for the students to navigate and find what they need.

Step 5: Set up the room

Decorate your classroom according to the chosen theme and set up the puzzles in different areas of the room. Place clues, locks, and other elements strategically to guide the students on their quest.

Step 6: Explain the rules

Before starting the escape room, gather your students and explain the rules and objectives. Make sure they understand how the game works and emphasize the importance of teamwork and communication.

Step 7: Run the escape room

Allow the students to enter the escape room and start solving the puzzles. Be prepared to provide hints or assistance if they get stuck, but encourage them to think critically and work together to find solutions.

Step 8: Debrief and discuss

Once the students have completed the escape room, gather them for a debriefing session. Discuss the challenges they faced, the strategies they used, and the lessons learned. Encourage them to reflect on their problem-solving skills and teamwork abilities.

Remember to adapt the escape room to suit the age and abilities of your students. You can also incorporate educational content within the puzzles to reinforce learning objectives. With proper planning and execution, a classroom escape room can be a fun and engaging activity that promotes critical thinking and collaboration.