Kirkwood trustees chair Mollenhauer retiring after 20 years

After 20 years of dedicated service, Kirkwood Community College Trustees Chair David Mollenhauer is retiring. His tenure has been marked by significant accomplishments and a profound commitment to the college’s mission of providing accessible education and fostering community growth.

Mollenhauer first joined the board in 2003, bringing with him a wealth of experience in both education and business. Throughout his two decades on the board, Mollenhauer played a pivotal role in numerous key initiatives. Under his leadership, Kirkwood saw the expansion of its campus facilities, the introduction of innovative academic programs, and strengthened community partnerships that have benefitted both students and local businesses.

His peers on the board have lauded Mollenhauer for his visionary leadership, his ability to navigate complex challenges, and his unwavering dedication to students’ success. One of his most notable contributions was championing the development of Kirkwood’s Regional Centers located in Iowa City, Tipton, Vinton, Washington and Williamsburg. These centers made quality education accessible to more students outside Cedar Rapids and enhanced Kirkwood’s impact significantly.

Mollenhauer’s approach has always been student-centered. He has prioritized policies and decisions that ensure affordability, enhance educational quality, and provide comprehensive support services to help all students succeed. His efforts have not gone unnoticed; Kirkwood’s reputation as a leading community college is in no small part due to his stewardship.

His retirement marks the end of an era for Kirkwood Community College. However, Mollenhauer’s influence will undoubtedly continue through the programs he helped establish and the initiatives he supported. As the college prepares to transition to new leadership, the foundation he helped lay over the past 20 years will remain strong.

The trustees are expected to honor Mollenhauer at their next meeting, reflecting on his remarkable career and significant contributions to Kirkwood Community College. Students, faculty, staff, and fellow board members owe him a debt of gratitude for his tireless work in advancing the mission of ensuring educational opportunities for all.

David Mollenhauer leaves behind a lasting legacy of dedication, progress, and unwavering commitment to education. His retirement may signify the conclusion of his formal duties at Kirkwood but his impact on the institution will be felt for many years to come.