Less Jargon, More Grace: Using Language That Parents Understand

Parenting is never easy; finding the right balance between providing clear and concise communication and using language that parents understand can be challenging. However, using less jargon and more grace can go a long way in making parenting easier for both parents and children.

When speaking to children, using clear and concise language is important. For example, instead of saying, “please stop doing that,” try saying, “could you please not do that?” This will help children to better understand what you want them to do and will also help to foster a sense of responsibility and accountability.

It is also important to know how your words may be interpreted. For example, if you say, “you’re a big boy/girl,” do not be surprised if your child assumes that this means they are a bad person. Instead, use words your child will understand, such as “you’re doing a great job” or “you’re doing the best you can.”

Finally, remember that parenting is a process. Being patient and allowing your children to learn and grow is important. Do not get frustrated if things do not always go according to plan; instead, try to calmly and rationally discuss the situation with your child. Parents who use clear and concise communication and words their children will understand are more likely to have successful parenting experiences.