My Vision For the Future of Assistive Technology in Education

Assistive technology is a broad term encompassing everything from learning management software to eye gaze systems. While the category covers a variety of items, they all have one thing in common. Assistive technology makes education and learning more accessible to students with physical or learning disabilities. The role these products have in leveling the playing field for disabled students can be the difference between students who get by and those who embrace lifelong learning. My vision for the future of assistive technology in education will include the expansion of availability to disadvantaged students. Additionally, I believe that we are standing …

My Vision for the Future of Adaptive Learning in Education

The field of education is changing, and adaptive learning is helping to transform the education landscape in exciting ways. The metamorphosis from whole-class instruction to interactive learning is already underway. Educators who embrace edtech’s inclusion in instruction are making it possible for adaptive learning to become a mainstay in instruction. I see a promising future for adaptive learning in education, and my vision includes: Adaptive learning as the cornerstone of education, Real-time learning, and Personalized education experiences. Adaptive learning According to NoodleMarkets, adaptive learning currently comprises $41 million of the annual $3 billion edtech market. The largest districts in the …

My Vision for the Future of eLearning

Being able to access learning the way you need it presented is a game changer in education. The advent of e-learning allows for anytime, anywhere instruction, and it’s made available in any format. In my vision for the future of e-learning, this digital design will forever change the way we teach. It will also change users’ perceptions of incorporating technology in education as it becomes a mainstay rather than a supplement to teacher-led instruction. Here’s what my vision for the future of e-learning looks like: No size limits on virtual classes. Online learning has been closing the gaps for learners …

My Vision For the Future of Flipped/Blended Learning

In the last ten years, education has changed exponentially with a massive shift in focus from transmission teaching to more student based approaches. A significant part of this change has been the adoption of blended and flipped teaching techniques. However, education is not a fixed idea anymore. Teachers, students, and schools will continue to adapt in the coming years. In the next ten years, I envision a continued evolution in classrooms around the world where blended and flipped learning will gain even more prominence. Artificial Intelligence for Real Learning One factor I expect to influence the landscape of blended learning …

What Does A Future Ready University Look Like?

The face of education and the workforce has been steadily changing over the years. By 2020, the focus of students around education is expected to shift drastically. Universities need to adapt and cater to the market to compete. What does that mean for brick and mortar institutions? And, how can universities be future ready? Here are some insights into the changing climate of education and needs of future-ready students. How are students changing? High school graduates face increased competition entering university and the workplace. The world has become entwined in a global economy. This global competition makes success difficult to …

10 Apps to Teach Your Child a Second Language

Exposing children to language acquisition at an early age will have lifelong benefits. Studies show that “bilingual children outperform children who speak only one language in problem-solving skills and creative thinking.” Understanding the wealth of opportunities available to those who speak multiple languages should make you want to foster this learning in your own home. To help you get started, here are my favorite ten apps to teach your child a second language: Dic-Dic Dic-Dic is a multilingual app that focuses on helping children learn to a foreign vocabulary, as well as spell and learn phonetic sounds for other languages. …

How to Talk to Your Son About Toxic Masculinity

Times are changing, but one thing that has stayed the same is this need to raise boys into strong, dominant men. And, it is killing them. When little boys learn the way to earn respect is through dominance and violence, we all lose. When we tell young men to “not act like a sissy” or to “handle things like a man,” they only learn to be ashamed and fearful of their feelings. Toxic masculinity is a public health crisis. News story after news story involves an angry, depressed man who has reacted violently. When you factor in the number of …

My Vision for the Future of Adaptive Learning in Education

The field of education is changing, and adaptive learning is helping to transform the education landscape in exciting ways. The metamorphosis from whole-class instruction to interactive learning is already underway. Educators who embrace edtech’s inclusion in instruction are making it possible for adaptive learning to become a mainstay in instruction. I see a promising future for adaptive learning in education, and my vision includes: Adaptive learning as the cornerstone of education, Real-time learning, and Personalized education experiences. Adaptive learning According to NoodleMarkets, adaptive learning currently comprises $41 million of the annual $3 billion edtech market. The largest districts in the …

10 Genius Ways to Get Kids to Love Reading

Reading is more than simply a tool for success – it is the best way to teach children about the world around them. Books allow children to go places they will never go on their own and meet people they will never encounter in real life. But, what if your child seems resistant towards reading? These ten ways to get kids to love reading will help turn children into lifelong book lovers. Read to Them First, parents must read to their children. As Emilie Buchwald famously said, “Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.” Start when your …

What Will the LMS of the Future Look Like?

Have you ever become frustrated with your learning management system (LMS)? If so, you are not alone. They are not as easy to use as other educational technology products; however, they are essential for the classroom. Yet, educators are hopeful that developers are already planning the LMS of the future to be more effective. As technology evolves and education becomes future ready, the LMS of the future will become more than a helpful administrative tool. The LMS of the future will be a hands-on all-access tool for education. More Individualized The LMS of the future will be more individualized. No …