5 Fresh Ways to Teach Kids to Code

In this technological age, learning to code has become just as important as learning to read and write. Indeed, coding is likely a more valuable and necessary skill these days than writing. Some schools have acknowledged this and have integrated coding classes into their curriculum. However, Idit Harel thinks American schools are teaching kids how to code “all wrong.” Teaching kids to program through apps and “coding tutorials” Harel believes is a “superficial response” to the increased need for individuals with programming skills. Whether the current response to this need is right or wrong, there are definitely some more creative, …

To Sell to School Districts, You Have to Understand the Local Politics

Selling an edtech product in a school district means knowing your consumer. To sell to school districts, you have to understand the local politics, and these public affairs vary widely between systems. Isolated or integrated? Districts that work in isolation tend to develop unique processes based on their challenges. They value a different set of priorities. What to do: Learn how to identify the pain points for small districts working in isolation as well as the challenges of the larger education systems working in integration. Create distinctly different pitches for each one. Politics v. pedagogy Sometimes politics supersedes everything else. …

How Schools Should Measure the Success of EdTech Products

When it comes to new EdTech products, figuring out whether a product is successful or not can be difficult for schools. There are many different ways schools might measure the success of EdTech products, some more valuable than others. Before a school even starts using an EdTech product, they should be thinking about how they can evaluate the success of that product. Administrators should develop a list of goals or targets that they hope to meet with the help of the EdTech product. For example, imagine your school has a new EdTech product that allows students to learn and practice …

Student Outcomes Is the Only Metric That Matters in EdTech

EdTech companies use lots of metrics to measure the success of their products. Profits, number of products sold, and market share are among the ways that EdTech firms use to determine whether a product has been successful. But none of these metrics are as important as one thing—student outcomes. In most industries, companies are primarily focused on profits. In EdTech, you have to do business with schools or universities. These institutions don’t operate like traditional businesses. Working with non-profit institutions requires a different mindset than the corporate world. The goal of education is to teach students, not to make money. …

10 Classroom Uses for Minecraft

Long before the release of its Education Edition, educators were using Minecraft in the classroom. For some time now, teachers have been playing with the various ways it can be used for learning. Certainly, digital game-based learning is not a new concept; games like Reader Rabbit have been used in the classroom since the 1980s. However, Minecraft doesn’t really fit the traditional model of a computer-based learning game. It’s much more immersive and simulates real-life experiences. We have explored some classroom uses for Minecraft in our list below.  Improve Student Reading & Comprehension In her article on TeachHub, Jacqui Murray …

4 Ways That Digital Equity Can Level the Learning Field

Do you believe that every student has the right to a good education? Most of us would answer with a resounding, “Yes!” But the reality is that some groups of students (such as low-income or minority groups) seem chronically deprived of the same quality educational opportunities as their wealthy or white peers. Technology offers the potential to either close or widen this gap. Students who can access the dizzying array of learning opportunities available online have a distinct advantage over those who can’t. Legislation such as the Digital Equity Act of 2015 aims to close this discrepancy. Here are the …

How K-12 Schools Evaluate Edtech Products

Does your edtech product make the grade? To find out, you need to know how K-12 schools evaluate edtech products. Ask yourself these questions to figure out how to meet educators’ educational technology expectations. For whom is your product designed? If your edtech product is for teachers, it will have a different feel than if it’s for kids.  Either is fine, but make sure the design is user-appropriate. Teachers don’t like being talked down to, and students need a kid-friendly interface. Which curriculum standards does your product meet? The public holds teachers and their administrators accountable for student results on …

How to Create Your Own Classroom Edtech Tools

You know you need to get on board with using educational technology in your classroom. But you’re having trouble finding just the right app to meet the needs of your students. Sometimes, it can seem like the implementation of new edtech tools drains the valuable time that it’s supposed to save. If that’s the case, have you considered creating edtech tools of your own? You may think you don’t have enough time or expertise, but building edtech for your own students is easier than you think. Here are some ways to get started. Learn Relevant Technical Skills Never tried coding …

6 EdTech Companies That Are Disrupting K-12 Education

When most people think about K-12 education, the image of a classroom with rows of students staring at a teacher usually comes to mind. And while this may represent education in the past, it most certainly does not represent education in the present. In particular, edtech companies are one of the reasons why K-12 education has been disrupted, hopefully for the betterment of students. Here is a list of six edtech companies that are making their mark in the classroom. Donors Choose Crowdfunding has become a new industry where ordinary people can fund projects or charities for just a few …

10 Habits of Tech-Savvy Schools

Technology changes so rapidly that it can be hard for schools to keep up. Is your school riding the wave of change or is it drowning? Here are the ten habits of tech-savvy schools so you can see how yours measures up. They make ongoing professional development a priority. When it comes to technology, last year’s hot new trend is this year’s old news. Successful schools provide ongoing, quality training to help educators keep up. They invest in the right equipment. Tech-savvy schools make solid investments in equipment that meets their needs, whether it be interactive whiteboards, tablets, and/or a …