How STEM Education Can Help End Poverty

STEM education is increasing in popularity—more schools are incorporating STEM into their curriculum and making it a key part of what they teach. STEM can help students learn to think logically, improve math test scores, and give students career training. But STEM education can also help bring an end to poverty. Generational poverty is typically the result of a lack of opportunity. Children who don’t have access to high-quality education tend not to go on to college, and they wind up with low-paying hourly-wage jobs. As adults, they don’t have the time or resources to go back to school, and …

Students Should be Taught to be Digital Leaders Instead of Digital Citizens

The responsibility for teaching citizenship has always fallen on schools. Teachers show students how to be citizens of their communities, cities, and the world. Classroom instruction in social autonomy also includes digital citizenship. Digital citizens Today’s modern world demands that students become digital citizens. This citizenship requires that participants be respectful in communications, cautious in accepting all content as true, and attentive to safety and security. Digital citizenship teaches positive habits in using technology. Digital citizenship is about responsible technology use, but citizenship alone is not enough. As the way in which students engage with technology changes, the role of …

Why You Should Be Selling to the ELL Market

When developing new EdTech tools and apps, it’s important to consider who your market is. Many EdTech companies make the mistake of focusing only on the general K-12 students. Instead, you should be targeting a specific population to maximize your impact. The ELL (English Language Learner) market is one of the best places to sell new EdTech products. The ELL market is growing fast. In the 2014-2015 school year, ELL students made up 9.4 percent of public school students. That number is up from 9.1 percent in the 2004-2005 school year and is expected to continue to climb. There are …

Digital Literacy is the Most Important Lifelong Learning Tool

With the increased importance of technology in society, digital literacy is gaining recognition as the most valuable tool for lifelong learning. What does this mean? Essentially, as citizens of a global society, the influence of social media, technology, and online resources is massive. For children, the access to a home computer with internet increases their likelihood of college attendance exponentially. For adults, the ever evolving tech world can either help them succeed or hold them back. Society has changed over the last 15 years. It has become increasingly important to continue education after entering the workforce. The influence of technology …

Are Teachers Ready for Virtual Reality in the Classroom?

Virtual Reality (VR) has become a hot topic in education as of late with the arrival of many options for the technology in the video game world. Whether or not video games can teach children has been a long debate, but the addition of VR has possibly complicated or alleviated the situation further. According to a survey completed by GFK, 85 percent of teachers are ready to include VR in their classrooms. At the same time, 84 percent of teachers believe using VR could enhance the one thing that has seemed to be lost in classrooms in recent years: student …

106 Experts Share Their Thoughts on the Future of Education, Part 2: Edtech

“The future of education is digital. We live in an increasingly digital world, where technology is a part of our lives in so many ways. Now more than ever, it is crucial that we incorporate digital technology into education. To prepare students for higher education and future jobs, we must ensure that they are familiar with technology. Administrators who want to prepare their K-12 school for the future of education should look at the ways they use technology in the classroom. Schools that are future-ready are those that blend technology with learning seamlessly and include technology in nearly every lesson.” …

Examining Edtech’s Responsibility to Students

As an industry that generates $3 billion annually, Edtech is a cornerstone of modern education. With that kind of prominence in classrooms, edtech also has an enormous responsibility to students. This responsibility consists of four areas. Confidentiality A host of regulations and protections surrounding student privacy and edtech has a responsibility to uphold these requirements when providing online educational services. Edtech providers must respect the privacy of educational records (FERPA), protect children while they are online (COPPA), block harmful web content (CIPA), and protects the rights of students (PPRA). By following a model framework, edtech providers can protect student rights. …

Give Your Students a Free Laptop or Tablet and Watch Your Enrollment Rise

Are you looking for new ways to attract students to your higher education program? Colleges around the world are trying something that sounds a little crazy, but it’s helping them increase enrollment and serve students better—giving students a free laptop or tablet. It’s easy to see why this increases enrollment. Students love the idea of getting a free, brand new laptop or tablet. On a limited budget, these items can be costly for students. Yet most students buy laptops anyway, because they know they need it to succeed. Instead of asking students to stretch their already-tight budgets to buy their …

7 Creative Ways to Fund Classroom Technology

pass or fail

Including technology in your classroom is an important way to help students learn and grow. However, sometimes the budget constraints of your district or school may hinder progress. It’s important to know that there are ways to support technological growth at your school, without dipping into your savings. Here are a few creative ways to raise funds for classroom tech. This popular fundraising platform allows teachers to present their class needs to a cache of ready donors. The idea is to show your students and their needs positively. Tech projects are widely supported by Donors Choose contributors. It’s important …

8 Must-Have High School Apps and Tools

As technology continues to become an essential part of education in the high school classroom, it is important for educators and parents to choose the most appropriate apps and tools to benefit student learning. The best apps teach students and prepare them for success in high school and beyond. When searching for apps for high school students, it is important to find apps that are educational, functional, and fun. The following list of apps includes tools for studying, writing, solving math problems, preparing for standardized tests, managing time, and increasing knowledge. BrainPOP BrainPOP is a must-have interactive website and app …