Teacher Cover Letter Examples and Writing Advice

If you are looking for a teaching position, you need to understand that a great cover letter can mean the difference from being hired to being unemployed. Your cover letter should highlight your achievements, preparation, your work history, and the personal and professional and personal attributes that make you the right candidate for the job.

The objective is to introduce yourself and showcase the qualifications, expertise, and skills that make you the perfect candidate. The objective is to introduce yourself and showcase the skills and qualifications that make you stand out from the other people vying for the position.

Regardless of where you are in your career or job search, the tips and cover letter examples below will help you convince the hiring committee that hiring you is a no brainer.

Teacher Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter examples can help help you choose the proper format and tell you what content you should include. For example, a cover letter example might show you how to project a leadership presence and an air of confidence.

This article published by WeAreTeachers.com provides examples of cover letters that were used by real people to secure teaching positions.

Use a cover letter example to inspire your own, but don’t plagiarize. Your cover letter should be tailored to model your personality and qualifications.

Tips for Writing an Oustanding Cover Letter

Emphasize your achievements. Include examples of the accolades and awards that you have received in the past. For instance, if your students earned high scores on state tests, if you received a leadership award, or completed an advanced degree or training.

Mention any training or certifications. Connect your certifications and licensure to the job at hand. For instance, if the job is for the position elementary school teacher, emphasize the fact that you were an elementary education major in college, and possess teaching certification is this area and math and reading.

Include related work outside the classroom. If you have work or volunteer experience outside of teaching, list this. For example, maybe you are certified as a paramedic, sign language instructor, etc.

Customize your cover letter. Don’t be the jerk that sends out generic cover letters. Make sure that your cover letter is tailored for each school and listing. This conveys to the hiring committee that you have done your homework and are serious about working in their district.

Take your time. You may think that a cover letter is a formality, but it could make or break your job candidacy. Take it seriously and always try to churn out a stellar product.

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