12 Must-Teach Classroom Procedures and Routines

Every classroom benefits from having clear procedures and routines in place. These guidelines help create a structured and organized learning environment, allowing students to focus on their education. Here are 12 essential procedures and routines that every teacher should consider implementing:

  1. Arrival and Dismissal: Establish a smooth process for students entering and leaving the classroom. This can involve procedures for storing backpacks, checking in, and saying goodbye at the end of the day.
  2. Morning Meeting: Start the day with a structured meeting where students can greet each other, share news, and set goals for the day. Morning meetings foster a positive classroom climate.
  3. Materials Organization: Teach students how to properly organize their materials, such as books, notebooks, and supplies. Provide clear instructions on where to keep these items and how to maintain an organized workspace.
  4. Classroom Library: Implement procedures for borrowing and returning books in the classroom library. Encourage students to take responsibility for maintaining the library’s organization and cleanliness.
  5. Bathroom and Water Breaks: Teach students the appropriate times and procedures for taking bathroom breaks and getting a drink of water. Set expectations for the efficient use of these breaks.
  6. Transitions: Smooth transitions between activities are crucial for minimizing disruptions. Establish routines that help students transition between different subjects or tasks in an efficient and orderly manner.
  7. Group Work and Collaboration: Clearly outline the expectations for group work and collaboration. Teach students how to work effectively in teams, take turns, and listen to others’ ideas.
  8. Classroom Procedures: Establish general classroom procedures, such as how to ask for help, how to pass out papers, and how to line up. Consistency in these procedures helps students feel secure and allows for smooth classroom operations.
  9. Technology Use: Create procedures for using technology in the classroom, including how to log in, save work, and access specific apps or programs. Teach digital citizenship and responsible internet use.
  10. Attention Signals: Develop attention signals that effectively grab students’ attention and signify the need for their focus. Using consistent and clear signals helps maintain a productive learning environment.
  11. Classroom Expectations and Rules: Clearly communicate the classroom expectations and rules to students. Discuss and explain the rationale behind each rule, encourage student input, and ensure they understand the consequences of not following them.
  12. Class Jobs: Assign classroom jobs to students, such as line leader, librarian, or classroom pet caretaker. Teach students the responsibilities of each job and establish procedures for rotating or changing roles.

By implementing these 12 must-teach classroom procedures and routines, you can enhance your student’s learning experience and create a productive and harmonious classroom environment. Remember to introduce these procedures gradually, model them consistently, and provide reinforcement to help students internalize them effectively.