17 Strategies to Encourage Students Not to Make Inappropriate Comments to Peers

Are you looking for strategies to encourage students not to make inappropriate comments to peers ? If so, keep reading.

1. Embody using appropriate language at all times (e.g., use appropriate language to express disappointment, unhappiness, surprise, etc.).

2. Draft an agreement with the learner stipulating what behavior is required (e.g., communicating with other students in an appropriate manner) and which reinforcement will be implemented when the agreement has been met

3. Teach the learner to respect others and their belongings by respecting the learner and their belongings.

4. Refrain from arguing with the learner.

5. Get the learner to put themselves in the other learner’s place (e.g., “How would you feel if someone called you dumb or stupid?”).

6. Refrain from confrontations with the learner that lead to unacceptable behavior on the part of the learner (e.g., give the learner options for alternative tasks, other times to perform tasks, assistance in performing tasks, etc.).

7. Refrain from physical contact with the learner who is likely to become orally abusive (e.g., a pat on the back may cause the learner to argue, threaten, call names, curse, etc.).

8. Do not embarrass the learner by giving them orders, requirements, etc., in front of others.

9. Provide visibility to and from the learner. The teacher should be able to see the learner; the learner should be able to see the teacher. Make eye contact possible at all times.

10. Connect with parents (e.g., notes home, phone calls, etc.) to disseminate information about the learner’s progress. The parents may reinforce the learner at home for communicating appropriately with other students at school.

11. Show the learner why making unacceptable remarks and unnecessary noises is not acceptable (e.g., impolite, might hurt others’ feelings, etc.).

12. Be firm, fair, and consistent with expectations and consequences of behavior.

13. Provide instructions in a compassionate rather than a menacing manner (e.g., “Please finish your math paper before going to recess.” rather than, “You had better finish your math paper or else!”).

14. Get the learner to question any directions, explanations, and instructions not grasped.

15. Talk with the learner about ways they could deal with unpleasant experiences that would typically cause them to use obscene language (e.g., talk to the teacher, go to a quiet area in the school, talk with a counselor, etc.).

16. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

17. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.