Are you looking for hacks to teach students not to become aggressive with teachers? If so, keep reading.
1. Give the learner as many high interest learning activities as possible to keep them from becoming physically aggressive toward teachers.
2. Give the learner chances for social and academic success.
3. Make sure that all school staff members are aware of the student’s tendency to become physically aggressive so they may monitor the learner’s behavior.
4. Refrain from arguing with the learner (e.g., calmly deliver consequences without reacting to the learner’s remarks).
5. Give a quiet space for the learner to work independently, away from peer interactions. This is not to be used as a punishment but as a chance to increase the learner’s success in their environment.
6. Put reinforcement emphasis on academic productivity and accuracy to lessen the likelihood of the learner becoming physically aggressive toward teachers (i.e., increased productivity and accuracy should lessen the likelihood of unacceptable behavior).
7. Minimize or remove any stimulus in their surroundings (e.g., possessions, competition, teasing, etc.) that leads to the learner’s physically aggressive behavior.
8. Make sure the learner knows the logical consequences of becoming physically aggressive toward a teacher (e.g., less freedom, more restrictive environment, assault charges, etc.).
9. Stop the learner from receiving too much stimulation (e.g., monitor or supervise learner behavior to limit overexcitement in physical learning activities, games, parties, etc.).
10. Restrict the learner’s chance to enter areas of the school environment in which they are more likely to be physically aggressive.
11. Do not force the learner to interact or remain in a group when they are physically aggressive (e.g., daily reading group, physical education group, etc.).
12. Always give the learner behavioral options (e.g., sitting out of a learning experience, going to a quiet space in the room, performing another learning experience, etc.).
13. Provide consistent behavioral expectations and consequences to lessen the likelihood of the learner becoming upset by what they consider unfair treatment.
14. Restrict the learner’s independent movement in the school environment.
15. Refrain from physical contact with the learner who is likely to become physically aggressive.
16. Provide an appropriate physical distance from the learner when interacting with them to avoid stimulation of aggressive behavior.
17. Utilize language that is pleasant and calming when speaking with the learner to avoid stimulation of aggressive behavior.
18. Provide instructions in a compassionate rather than a menacing manner (e.g., “Please finish your math assignment before going to recess.” rather than, “You had better turn in your math or else!”).
19. Do not criticize when correcting the learner; be honest yet compassionate. Never cause the learner to feel negatively about themselves.
20. Intervene early and often when there is a problem to prevent more severe problems from happening.
21. Do not embarrass the learner by giving them orders, requirements, etc., in front of others.
22. Teach the learner appropriate ways to express displeasure, anger, frustration, etc.
23. Get the learner to put themselves in someone else’s place (e.g., “How would you feel if someone called you dumb or stupid?”).
24. Consider using a classroom management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.
25. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.
26. Consider using Alexa to help the student learn to behave appropriately. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.
27. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.