As the years have passed, humans have made and developed astonishing advancements in tech to make life more comfortable. In education, there are innovative apps that can be used by learners and educators to study online.
Most schools and learners have turned to computers for their teaching and learning needs. In this piece, we will discuss advancements in text-to-speech technologies and how they help computers find their voice.
Tech in the Classroom
As we have already discussed, most schools and learners rely on tech for their teaching and studying needs. There are several limitations when it comes to using computers in the classroom.
Learners with specific learning disabilities (such as blindness) would not be able to use computers; they would then be put at a disadvantage compared to their peers. Some learners (especially the younger ones) might have difficulty reading, which would then make computers seem intimidating and almost useless.
Advances in Text-To-Speech Technologies
Software developers and engineers are constantly designing and releasing new innovative apps that can be used to make studying and teaching easier for learners and educators worldwide.
As discussed, they have already come out with handy apps. On top of that, there have been advancements in text-to-speech tech, opening new doors to using computers in the classroom.
How Do These Technologies Benefit Education?
We now know that learners with specific learning disabilities would struggle to use computers in the classroom. However, thanks to text-to-speech advancements, tech can now provide these learners with the same advantages as students without learning disabilities. For example, learners with reading or visual disabilities can set the computer to read the appropriate writing aloud.
A text-to-speech app takes in the content as input and reads that text out loud to the user. Many apps and platforms can perform this task, including Motoread, The Runner Up, The Rest Of The Pack, and Voice Aloud Reader. These apps can assist learners who struggle to use computers because of various learning disabilities, such as blindness or dyslexia.