8 Smart Ways to Teach Current Events in the Classroom in 2017

Introduction: Keeping students engaged in current events is important for their overall development and understanding of the world around them. In this article, we will explore 8 smart ways to teach current events in the classroom in 2017.

  1. Start with a News Bulletin: Begin each class with a classroom news bulletin. Assign a student to gather news articles and present them to the class. This will encourage students to stay updated and spark meaningful discussions.
  1. Use Interactive Online Tools: Utilize interactive online tools such as news websites, educational blogs, and multimedia platforms to enhance students’ understanding of current events. Websites like Newsela and CNN Student News offer articles and videos specifically tailored for young readers.
  1. Conduct Current Events Debates: Organize debates on key current events topics. Divide the class into teams and assign each team a different side of the argument. This will encourage critical thinking, public speaking, and the development of persuasive skills.
  1. Guest Speakers: Invite guest speakers from diverse fields to share their expertise and insights on current events. These guest speakers can include journalists, experts in various fields, and community leaders. This will provide students with firsthand knowledge and different perspectives.
  1. Current Events Quizzes: Create weekly or monthly current events quizzes to test students’ knowledge. This will not only encourage students to stay updated but also promote healthy competition and a sense of achievement.
  1. Current Events Projects: Assign current events projects that require students to research, analyze, and present their findings to the class. Projects can be in the form of multimedia presentations, written reports, or creative projects. This will enhance research and presentation skills.
  1. Field Trips: Organize field trips to relevant locations such as news stations, local government offices, or museums that focus on current events. This will provide students with real-world exposure and a deeper understanding of how current events impact society.
  1. Incorporate Current Events in Lessons: Integrate current events into various subject lessons. For example, in social studies, discuss the impact of certain global events on different countries. In English language arts, analyze news articles for bias and discuss journalistic integrity.

Conclusion: By implementing these 8 smart ways to teach current events in the classroom, educators can enhance students’ critical thinking, engagement, and overall understanding of the world. Keeping students informed and involved in current events fosters global citizenship and encourages them to become active participants in shaping the future.