Help! My Coworkers With Kids Always Seem to Get Special Treatment

As the workforce increasingly becomes diverse, tensions can sometimes arise when trying to accommodate everyone’s unique needs and circumstances. One common grievance, especially among single employees or those without children, is that their coworkers with kids seem to receive special treatment in the workplace. It’s Tuesday afternoon, and you are working hard on a project that is due by the end of the day. Your coworker leaves early to take their child to swimming lessons, leaving you with added responsibilities. You can’t help but feel frustrated and treated unfairly. Are parents getting special treatment at work? If so, what can …

Is It Time to Pivot in Your Teaching Job

In the ever-changing landscape of education, teachers often find themselves at a crossroads in their career paths. With new advancements in technology and shifting educational priorities, it’s not uncommon for educators to feel the urge to make a change in their teaching jobs. How do you know if it’s time for you to pivot in your career? Here are some factors to consider when mulling over this critical decision. 1. Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction plays a significant role in determining if you should pivot in your teaching job. Are you content with your current position or do you dread stepping …

Help! My Co-Worker is a Total Narcissist

Introduction: In the workplace, chances are you’ll encounter various personality types; one such personality type that can inevitably cause difficulties is the narcissist. A narcissist exhibits an excessive interest in themselves and their own needs, often displaying arrogance, entitlement, and a constant need for admiration. Working with a narcissistic co-worker can be challenging and sometimes even toxic to the work environment. In this article, we will discuss tips on how to identify a narcissist and handle working alongside them. Identifying a Narcissistic Co-worker: Narcissistic individuals often exhibit certain traits that set them apart from others. Here are some common characteristics …

How to Get an Outdoor Education Job

Introduction: A career in outdoor education provides the perfect opportunity for individuals passionate about the great outdoors to share their knowledge and enthusiasm with others. In fact, outdoor education jobs are often both rewarding and fulfilling for those dedicated to personal growth and development. In this article, we will explore the steps involved in getting an outdoor education job, allowing you to pursue a career that aligns with your love for nature. 1. Self-assessment: Before diving into the job search, take some time to reflect on your interests, skills, and experiences. Consider what aspect of outdoor education excites you the …

Help! I Don’t Want to Job Share Anymore – Navigating the Transition

Introduction: Job sharing has become a popular work arrangement for many employees seeking flexibility and improved work-life balance. However, circumstances may change, and some may find that job sharing no longer meets their needs. If you’ve reached this point and no longer want to job share, this article will guide you through the process of navigating this transition. Step 1: Assess your reasons for ending the job share arrangement Before taking any action, it’s important to assess why you no longer want to job share. Perhaps your financial needs have changed, or you feel your career objectives can be better …

8 Résumé Tips Just for Teachers

1. Highlight Your Teaching Experience: When writing your résumé, emphasize your teaching experience and make sure to include relevant details about the grade levels, subjects you have taught, and any special education experience you may have. This is particularly important for teachers, as your experience is often a significant factor in hiring decisions. 2. Showcase Your Accomplishments: Rather than just listing the roles you’ve had, highlight the accomplishments you achieved in each position. This could include academic improvements in standardized test scores, innovative teaching strategies implemented, or successful extracurricular programs launched. 3. Use Strong Action Verbs: To make your résumé …

What Do You Do When Your Teaching Contract Is Non-Renewed

Introduction Getting the news that your teaching contract has not been renewed can be an unsettling and unexpected experience. While it might feel like a setback, it is essential to respond with resilience and positivity. Here are some steps to take when your teaching contract is non-renewed to help you navigate this transition seamlessly. 1. Seek Clarification Speak with your school administrators or supervisors to understand the reasons for non-renewal. It might be due to budget constraints, a change in the school’s needs, or performance-related issues. Gaining a clear understanding of the reasoning will aid you in reflecting on your …

8 Tips for Finding Teaching Jobs You’ll Love

Every teacher dreams of finding the perfect teaching job that aligns with their passion, interests and skills. Whether it’s your first time exploring the educational field or you’re looking to make a change in your career, there are a few helpful tips that can improve your search and lead you to a teaching job you’ll genuinely love. 1. Define Your Ideal Job Before starting your search, take time to think about what you truly desire. Consider factors such as student age group, subjects you’d like to teach, work environment (public or private schools, international institutions), location, and school culture. These …

When is the Best Time to Find a Teaching Job

Introduction The teaching profession is highly rewarding and fulfilling. However, like any other career path, timing is crucial in securing a teaching position. Knowing the best time to find a teaching job can increase your chances of landing your dream role. In this article, we will explore the timeline of the hiring process in schools and determine when to start searching for a new teaching job. Peak Hiring Season For many schools, the peak hiring season falls between April and June. This period is ideal for finding a teaching job because school administrations are aware of their staffing needs for …

Free Poster: 25 Things to Say Instead of “Good Job”

Introduction: The way we praise and encourage children can have a profound impact on their mindset, confidence, and willingness to take on challenges. Traditional praises like “Good job” can often become repetitive and lose their intended effect over time. Rather than falling back on this familiar phrase, consider using more engaging and meaningful alternatives. We’ve created a free poster that includes 25 things you can say to children instead of “Good Job.” Read on to learn more! 1. Keep up the good work! 2. I appreciate your effort. 3. You really worked hard on this. 4. I love how you …