FAFSA issues led to changes in UNH enrollment, officials say

UNH, like many institutions nationwide, relies heavily on the FAFSA to determine students’ eligibility for federal, state, and institutional financial aid. However, complexities and glitches with the application system have created barriers for families in completing the form accurately and on time.

“We’ve seen a noticeable impact on our enrollment due to the FAFSA issues,” said [Name], UNH’s [Position, such as Director of Financial Aid or Admissions]. “Some students who intended to attend UNH were unable to secure the aid they needed due to complications with the FAFSA. This unfortunately forced them to explore other options.”

The FAFSA’s complexity, coupled with technical problems, has deterred some from completing the application altogether. “We know of prospective students who became frustrated with the process and didn’t finish the FAFSA,” [Name] explained. “As a result, they missed out on potential aid and ultimately chose not to enroll at UNH.”

Current students have also felt the effects. Those experiencing FAFSA-related issues have struggled to renew their financial aid, leading some to put their education on hold. “It’s heartbreaking to see students who want to continue their UNH education but are unable to due to these external factors,” said [Name].

In response to the challenges, UNH has ramped up its support for students navigating the FAFSA. The university’s financial aid office has expanded counseling services, workshops, and online resources to assist families with the application process. “We’re doing everything in our power to help our students overcome these hurdles,” [Name] emphasized.

Despite these efforts, UNH officials acknowledge that broader changes are needed to simplify the FAFSA and prevent future enrollment disruptions. They are advocating for reforms at the national level to create a more streamlined and student-friendly aid application process.

The FAFSA issues have undoubtedly impacted UNH’s enrollment landscape. However, through proactive support and advocacy, the university remains committed to helping its students secure the aid they need to succeed.