Let’s Teach Middle and High School Students How to Fit Reading into Their Lives Now


As the world continues to evolve at an alarming rate, it is crucial for middle and high school students to adapt their reading habits in order to keep up with modern trends or develop lifelong learning skills. Unfortunately, many students in this age group struggle to find time to read amidst their busy academic and extracurricular schedules. This article will explore how we can help middle and high school students fit reading into their lives now.

The Value of Reading:

In today’s fast-paced society, it is easy for young people to become consumed by technology and social media platforms. However, balance is key, and regular reading can play a significant role in fostering critical thinking skills, empathy, creativity, and expanding one’s vocabulary. Teaching students how to incorporate reading into their daily routine from an early age has proven benefits for their personal growth as well as academic success.

Tips for Encouraging Reading Habits:

1. Start with a plan: Help your students identify their goals for reading – whether it be leisure or educational – and brainstorm what types of books they would enjoy exploring. By creating a list of books that interest them, students are more likely to commit to their reading goals.

2. Establish a routine: Developing a daily or weekly reading routine will increase the likelihood of students incorporating it into their lives on a long-term basis. Students can make it a habit to read during breakfast or before bedtime, for example.

3. Use technology as an ally: Many students are attached to their smartphones and tablets, so why not use these devices as tools for cultivating reading habits? Encourage your students to download e-books or audiobooks using platforms such as Amazon Kindle or Audible.

4. Combine reading with other activities: Help students see the value of connecting reading with other aspects of their life, like listening to audiobooks on their daily commute home or while doing chores.

5. Create a conducive environment: Setting aside a dedicated reading area in your home or the student’s room can encourage them with a comfortable space to enjoy reading without distractions.

6. Encourage social reading: Start a book club for your students to join, where they can discuss their thoughts on different books with their peers while simultaneously fostering community and camaraderie.

7. Set a positive example: Teachers and parents must lead by example, showing the importance of reading through their own habits and discussing the books they’ve read to inspire students further.


Reading is an invaluable skill that contributes to personal growth and academic success. By encouraging middle and high school students to embrace a well-rounded approach to fitting reading into their lives, we are investing in not only their educational journey but also their emotional intelligence, critical thinking skills, and creativity, which will shape the way they address future challenges and endeavors.