Lloyd Holmes named new SUNY Niagara President

Holmes brings extensive experience from his various roles in higher education, having previously served as Vice President of Student Services at Monroe Community College in Rochester, New York. His tenure there was marked by significant achievements in student retention and support, hallmarks that he aims to replicate at SUNY Niagara.

“I am honored to join SUNY Niagara and look forward to working with the faculty, staff, and students to continue the institution’s mission of providing top-notch educational opportunities,” Holmes said in his inaugural address. He emphasized his commitment to fostering an inclusive environment that supports academic excellence and growth for all students.

SUNY Niagara’s Board of Trustees expressed their confidence in Holmes’ vision and leadership skills. “Lloyd Holmes has a proven track record of enhancing student experiences and educational outcomes,” remarked the Board Chair. “We are excited about the positive impact he will undoubtedly bring to our college community.”

Holmes’ appointment is particularly significant as SUNY Niagara navigates the challenges posed by the ongoing global pandemic. His experience in crisis management and strategic planning will be invaluable as the institution adapts to new norms in educational delivery.

The Niagara community is optimistic about this new era under Holmes’ presidency. Students, faculty, and alumni have already begun expressing their enthusiasm and support for his vision of progress and innovation.

As Lloyd Holmes steps into his role as President of SUNY Niagara, the entire college stands poised on the brink of exciting transformations aimed at enriching student lives and upholding a legacy of academic excellence.