The A-Z of Education Blogs: The Letter C

In this multi-part series, we are profiling the best of the best education blogs, in alphabetical order. In the previous article, I introduced letters A-B and in this one, I will discuss the letter C.

Click here to access all of the articles in this series.

Catlin Tucker

This blog offers a candid exploration of different solutions for blended learning. Recent offerings explore the pros and cons of co-teaching.

Score: Activity 19, Originality 22, Helpfulness 20.5, Authority 22

Total Score: 83.5

Twitter: @Catlin_Tucker

Campus Grotto

A great blog for students and educators, this site provides a lot of information on pretty much anything related to higher education. It is geared more towards those who are new to the arena, but it can give you some great insight no matter how long you have been in academia.

Score:  Active 19, Original 20, Help 20, Authority 15
Total: 70

Twitter: @CampusGrotto

Email form:

Campus Overload

This is the site to bookmark if you want to stay current on any news that is either related to higher education or that can have a serious effect on the field. Many of the issues posted are related to activism and concerns on campuses across the country.

Score:  Active 24, Original 15, Help 22, Authority 15
Total: 76


Campus Technology

For the latest in news about available and upcoming technology on campus, you should have this blog bookmarked. Multiple posts are added daily, making it something you can make part of your regular routine.

Score:  Active 21, Original 24, Helpfulness 23, Authority 25
Total: 93

Twitter: @Campus_Tech

Center for Digital Education

This blog offers regular updates to news about efforts to implement technology in public and private schools. Warnings about email scams and posts about mobile devices in schools will keep you up-to-date on issues affecting edtech.

Score: Activity 23, Originality18, Helpfulness 18, Authority 17.5

Total Score: 76.5

Twitter: @centerdigitaled

Christensen Institute

The Christensen Institute is a think tank on the topics of education, healthcare and economy. They post several interesting blogs about development in education and how it applies to teachers.

Score: Activity 21, Originality 21, Helpfulness 16, Authority 25

Total Score: 83


Twitter: @ChristensenInst

Class Tech Tips

Edtech consultant Dr. Monica Burns provides a rundown of all the latest technology tips and tricks. Recently she demonstrated an app called Kinvolved for taking attendance, as well as the annotation of images using an iPad.

Score: Activity 22, Originality 20, Helpfulness 21.5, Authority 22.5

Total Score: 86


Twitter: @ClassTechTips

Competency Works

This blog, as the name suggests, is about competency education and how to transform your teaching to take this into account. They post almost daily and the blogs, if nothing else, will make you contemplate how education is constantly being transformed and how you can participate in the transformation.

Score: Activity 17, Originality 18, Helpfulness 18, Authority 18

Total Score: 71

Twitter: @CompetencyWorks

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Followers of this blog get a look into the life and experiences of a dean. With facts, answers, tips, tricks, and the occasional touching tribute, this blog is great for anyone in academia. There are also details about how he balances work with family life so you will get a look into his wit and witticisms on a wide range of subjects. It is done somewhat anonymously, so if you want to contact the blogger, you will have to go through the comments section of the blog.

Score:  Active 25, Original 25, Helpfulness 15, Authority 23
Total: 88

Cool Cat Teacher

Vicki Davis interweaves her practical suggestions for student engagement with profound reflections on what it means to be a teacher. For a shot of affirmation, this is the blog to visit.

Score: Activity 25, Originality 23, Helpfulness 23.9, Authority 25

Total Score: 96.9

Twitter: @coolcatteacher

CoSN Blog

The official blog of the Consortium for School Networking presents occasional “Trusted Learning Environment” articles, in which they focus on the technology implementation efforts of member school districts. This will inspire you to think of ways you can make your own school a “Trusted Learning Environment.”

Score: Activity 18, Originality 21.5, Helpfulness 20.5, Authority 21.5

Total Score: 81.5


Twitter: @CoSN

Coursera Blog

Though not specific to higher education, this site covers a lot of related areas (as well as a lot that specifically address higher education issues and ideas).

Score:  Active 23, Original 20, Helpfulness 23, Authority 20.8

Total: 86.8

Twitter: @Coursera

Curriculum Matters  

As the blog suggests the focus is on how curriculum changes are affecting classrooms. Two classroom teachers turn educational journalists, Liana Heitin and Jaclyn Zubrzycki, run this blog on Education Week and also include topics coving social media and STEM. It will certainly provide you with food for thought about what should and shouldn’t be included in your curriculum.

Score: Activity 19, Originality 17.5, Helpfulness 18, Authority 19

Total Score: 73.5

Email: and

Twitter: @LianaHeitin

Cult of Pedagogy

An excellent blog with up to date information about teaching and easy to implement tips for the classroom. The topics covered are very varied – from dealing with youth running away from home from a teacher’s perspective to edtech tools you need to try. The blog was developed due to the author, Jennifer Gonzales, thinking it takes too much time for the average teacher to stay up to date with everything happening in the educational field, so she wanted to pull together the information on one site.

Score: Activity 20, Originality 21, Helpfulness 23, Authority 21

Total Score: 85

Twitter: @cultofpedagogy

Cycles of Learning

Ramsay Musallam relates how he uses unique approaches to technology to make instruction more meaningful to students. Definitely a blog worth checking out.

Score: Activity 18, Originality 20, Helpfulness 20, Authority 20.5

Total Score: 78.5%

Twitter: @mneedleman

Well that does it for the letter C. Did we miss any?


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